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EEG Tree Planting – A continuous responsibility & celebration

by Rohan Kapur | 09-03-2016 19:22 recommendations 0

For the past many years since my primary school days, I?m a member of EEG, Emirates Environmental Group, is the first environmental NGO in the world to be accredited with the ISO 14001 certification and it is proudly accredited NGO with the united Nations Convention for Combating Desertification. They are very active in various environmental events, recycling & organizing monthly related lectures. They have really nurtured me into a better eco-active individual.

I have participated & won in many of their recycling drives & it?s a regular feature for me to collect a price for Top Collector in various categories in their annual competitions.

One the drives is planting for a greener future, where they encourage the members to collect and deposit with them a targeted quantity of recyclables in a small period & they become eligible to plant a tree in their own name in the UAE. The site is selected by them & they target a different emirate each time.

Out of Seven Emirates in the UAE they have had this drive of tree plantation so far in the Six emirates & I?m proud & happy to state the all six emirates of UAE have many trees under my name. It implies that I am dedicated to the cause of environment & my recycling has been recognized by this NGO many times. It is not once or twice, consistently & without fail for the past six years I am carrying out these activities & getting the motivation to carry on further.

Each & every piece of recyclable item that has not been thrown at the Landfill is a gift to the Mother Nature & is our survival passport. Another step towards greener earth.

The pictures of one the recent tree plantation carried out in the Emirate of Fujairah, Masafi Friday Market by EEG are attached.

I thank each & every ambassador at this elite forum who have constantly encouraged me & persuade them to carry out the service to the Mother Nature relentlessly.


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
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  • says :
    Wow, Rohan! It was really good to hear that the activity utilized indigenous species, as this kind of movement promotes biodiversity. Anyway, sorry if I ask too much, especially with the species. The reason behind is that the seedling on the photo resembles a plant species that I commonly see around our university. And it was really good to hear that the site was very accessible. This only shows that you will be able to monitor the growth of that seedling you planted. Anyway, thank you for answering all my questions even it's quite numerous. Cheers to the success of the activity! :)
    Posted 14-03-2016 09:00

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Hi John! A variety of indigenous species of trees were planted such as Ghaf, Damas, etc. These are mostly local trees. And yes! There was a site reconnaissance before the event which was condcted by the Emirates Environmental Group itself. We can visit the site anytime we want, and since it has only been around a month, It is still pretty much as I planted it but I'm sure it will grow into a strong tree in the near future.
    Posted 14-03-2016 01:24

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Ah, Thank You Minjoo! Together we can truly make the earth a greener and cleaner place and I am glad you like my ideal there!
    Posted 14-03-2016 01:19

  • says :
    Wow! What a very nice activity you got there!? Good job, Rohan! Anyway, I am just curious. What species did you plant there? Did a site reconnaissance have been conducted prior to planting? Were you able to visit the seedling you planted? How is it now? On the other hand, thank you for sharing this. It's really good to see people getting engaged with such activities. :)
    Posted 13-03-2016 23:25

  • says :
    Rohan, it is great to see you pariticipating in those activities that make the Earth greener. I liked the part you wrote that 'each and every piece of recyclable item that ha not been thrown at the landfill is our survival passport'. I hope more trees that are under your name can be planted worldwide. Keep up the good work, you are doing great :-)
    Posted 11-03-2016 01:56

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Syed, Thanks for your Comments. The UAE community is indeed vibrant & very Eco-Friendly.
    Posted 11-03-2016 00:02

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Arushi, Thanks for your Comments. Trees are indeed lifeline of humans. It is a pleasure to work with Bee'ah & EEG.
    Posted 11-03-2016 00:00

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Heonjum, Thanks for your Comments. The UAE is trying really hard for greening the desert & increasing the green landscapes.
    Posted 10-03-2016 23:59

  • says :
    Great job Rohan. All the pictures you uploaded really shows your endeavor and passion for the environment. It is nice to see such an amazing community as well. It was nice reading your report. :)
    Posted 10-03-2016 04:59

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Trees are the lifelines of Earth. We must plant trees as much as possible. What more a satisfaction than to get to plant a tree under your name as reward for your recycling contribution. Keep up the green efforts, Rohan. We are so fortunate to live in place like this where we have so many great environment management companies like EEG, Bee'ah which come up with such interesting programs to encourage us for recycling.
    Posted 10-03-2016 01:24

  • says :
    Hi Rohan, thank you for writing and uploading all those pictures :D Fighting desertification is not easy. The wind, lack of water and dry soil all mixed up together and makes it harder to go back to the previous environment once desert swallows the area. I am glad to see your effort to stop it expand further :D Cheers for your meaningful work!
    Posted 09-03-2016 22:57

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