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Waste management and street lighting: presentation of the GIS platform on March 10 in Oran

by | 10-03-2016 05:08 recommendations 0

A presentation of the platform of the Geographic Information System (GIS) on waste management and street lighting at Oran, is scheduled for March 10th at the headquarters of "R20 Med" ( Oran), said Sunday the direction of the Mediterranean pole of the non-governmental organization (NGO) R20 (Regions of climate actions).

The presentation of the GIS platform is programmed as part of a new training workshop for decision-making actors in the management of the territory of Oran, entitled "The role and impact of spatial information in land management "has said the same source in a statement to APS.

Led by national experts, this workshop aims to highlight "the role and impact of spatial information in land management in various sectors such as those of housing, transport, health, environment, capital equipment, distribution networks of drinking water and public lighting, "did they explained.

Speakers will address, among other issues introduced by the use of geographic information and the extent of the cost / benefit ratio, and the identification of issues relating to information security and access protocols.

The presentation of the GIS platform will be followed by that of the SITOR instrument (Information System of the territory of Oran) established in October 2015 by order of the wali of Oran and is a tool to aid the decision within areas of environment, public lighting and energy efficiency.

The first prototype of the GIS platform, developed by MED R20 in collaboration with the Environment Directorate of the wilaya of Oran, was the subject of a national demonstration workshop August 31, 2015 in Algiers, organized in partnership with the national waste Agency (AND), will be recalled.

In addition to the GIS platform, the R20 Med and its partners are carriers of three other major projects in the areas of recycling and composting, public lighting based on new technology LED lights (light emitting diode) and eco-construction integrating the ecological aspect and energy savings in the building sector.

These operations are among the major actions embodying the framework partnership agreement signed in June 2013 by the Algerian Ministry of Environment and the international NGO R20

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Nice one, Sara! Utilization of GIS is really prevalent, nowadays, even in researches, Hence, this kind of articles is something that should be sought after. Anyway, are you good in using GIS softwares? Looking forward to hear more from you! Thank you very much, Sara! :)
    Posted 13-03-2016 23:56

  • says :
    Sara, thanks for posting! Regulation or policy that are ready can always help sustainable development. Recently, as there is a report that about 70% of the world will be urbanized until 2050, sustainable urban development has been a big issue. Well-designed city planning can enable efficient energy use through green technology. Anyways, keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 12-03-2016 01:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I hope that such trainings and workhops on 'the role and impact of spatial information in land management in various sectors' bear fruit and nation is able to witness green economy driven by sustainable infratstructure with the help of mentioned projects by MedR20. Thanks for updating us Sara.
    Posted 10-03-2016 16:19

  • says :
    Hi Sara, I appreciate you writing this nice report! It is impressive how the technology can help us step further toward the eco-friendly world. Well, sometimes it does the exact opposite, just like we see from shale gas industry that became profitable only after new technology to break the surface beneath the sea bottom was invented. I hope more companies will find it more profitable and rewarding to develop green energy tech. Thanks for sharing Sara
    Posted 10-03-2016 07:55

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