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The coastal law is severe in releases of sewage into the sea

by | 10-03-2016 05:18 recommendations 0

What is the law regarding industrial discharges into the sea?

Whether domestic or industrial, the Coastal Act contains strict provisions regarding the wastewater discharged into the sea. For domestic waste, Article 22 of this law states that towns in the coastal area of over 100,000 residents must have a wastewater treatment plant wastewater. Agglomerations with less than 100 000 inhabitants must have processes and treatment systems wastewater.

For industrial waste, the legislature has provided, in Article 15, transfer to appropriate sites of existing industrial facilities whose activity is considered detrimental to the coastal environment. Article 18 also prohibits any new planting of industrial plants on coastal sites. For the problem of solid and household waste, it was taken over by the 01-19 law enacted in 2001.

What are the measures applied in the field to require undertakings respect for marine life?

Apart from the enforcement of the coast and in the context of environmental policy in force for some years, it is required of undertakings to establish an environmental impact study and to have in their staff a delegate for the environment. The latter, who is appointed by the company itself, receives training in this direction. Even if I do not have the exact figures, I can say that there are already thousands of companies that have achieved their environmental audit to justify their compliance. All those provisions go towards preserving the environment and grow the company towards environmental management.

What are the prospects of the National Commissioner of the coast?

The Algerian coastline is weakened by the strong pressure exerted by man and climate change. In addition to desertification, rising sea levels is very important. For example, on the west coast of Bejaia, the sea rises of 1 to 3 meters per year. Which requires us to act quickly to address it and protect our coastline.

In collaboration with the Conservatory of the French coast, we will be implementing the national strategy for integrated management of coastal areas on two pilot sites. These are Habibas islands and inlets of Oran Kouali Tipasa. Incessantly, a nursery will be installed in the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou for the reproduction of marram grass, a species used for fixation of coastal dunes. This will allow us to halt the progression of an impending problem found on our coast that is the sedimentary imbalance between the dunes and beaches. A phenomenon which causes, among others,

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing this one, Sara! Coastal areas are indeed important as every ecosystem is interdependent. Thus, this kind of collaborations are something each and every eco-warrior should be happy of.
    Posted 13-03-2016 23:53

  • says :
    Sara, industrial disposal in the ocean is a serious problem. Like environmental problems can only be solved if all countries collaborate together, wastewater or litter disposed to sea can be solved by reaching an understanding between more than two subjects. I hope the regulation policy can show effect on reducing ocean pollution. Keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 12-03-2016 01:02

  • says :
    This short and sweet report on the coastal laws of Algeria is well appreciated! Keep up the good work, Sara!
    Posted 10-03-2016 20:25

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for updating us with coastal protection laws,measures, projects and policies in Algeria. Hope the collaborative efforts of Algerian authorities and Conservatory of the French Coast, are able to address and eliminate the problem of sedimentary imbalance between the dunes and beaches.
    Posted 10-03-2016 16:24

  • says :
    Thank you Sara for sharing what's going on in Algeria. Hopefully the new programs to clean up the coastal areas will stop further damage to the sea. Thank you for writing!
    Posted 10-03-2016 07:59

  • says :
    Nice post my friend!!
    I hope others could read this
    Posted 10-03-2016 06:03

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