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The Tree of Life

by | 11-03-2016 00:15 recommendations 0

When the whole nation comes to celebrate the 106th national day on 17th December 2015, His Majesty 5th King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck announced the nation that their Majesties are expecting Royal Heir in the year 2016. On 5th February 2016, the most awaited moment, the Royal Heir a Prince was born to His majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Her Majesty the Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck.

To welcome our prince an initiative known as 'Tendral Initiatives' meaning the auspicious was launched on 30th December by the different collaborative official from a government, private, corporation, CSO (Civil Society Organization) etc. The main aims and objectives of the team 'Tendral Initiatives' is to provide a platform for all people to partake in the various events. 

The first event of ?Tendrel Initiatives? took place on 6th March 2016 the plantation of 108,000 saplings in a day to celebrate and welcome our first Royal Child the 6th King of Bhutan. The whole nation came together in the planting of the 108,000 saplings of life, as a symbol of Bhutan's unity, stability, and nationhood.

Environmentally, Bhutan has added some number to our already rich forest cover. For every occasion, Bhutan tries to contribute in saving environments. The source of happiness doesn?t lie in the materialism but the clean environment gives you true happiness. Bhutan directly or indirectly always contributes towards saving environments. 

Source: Kuensel Online and Bhutan Broadcasting services
Photo credit goes to my friends Norbu Zangmo and Thinley Choden, who took part in the event. 
My friend Norbu ZangmoMy friends Thinley CHodenMy friendsCapital

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  • says :
    Dear Heonjun, Arushi and Minjoo,
    Thank you so much for your positive and impressive comments.
    Posted 15-03-2016 21:18

  • says :
    Such a green way of welcoming the birth of the first Royal Child! The heir will be surely be pleased to see the tree growing up as he becomes an adult. I hope the mountain will turn green after a few decades, and you now became part of it :-) Keep up the good work!
    Posted 12-03-2016 00:16

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I love it. WOW! What a great green way to celebrate and welcome the first Royal Child in Bhutan. This really speaks volumes of Bhutan's unity and importance they give to environment. I am so happy to read this positive piece. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Posted 11-03-2016 07:31

  • says :
    Lovely to hear thousands of people planted trees to celebrate the birth of the heir! The last picture is really impressive! Hope you had a wonderful day, and keep us notified with other green news in Bhutan! :D
    Posted 11-03-2016 00:46

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