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Support Food Security Project

by | 11-03-2016 13:57 recommendations 0

Green Africa Youth Organization is a youth-led, gender balanced, environmental organization committed to environmental protection and the recently launched Sustainable Development Goals through youth empowerment and volunteering opportunities.

As part of our mission to support the global goals, our Programs Manager – Ms. Ansah Boatemaa developed the Palm Weevil Farming project to provide alternative livelihood for unemployed youth and ultimately, provide affordable nutritious food for rural communities.

The rate of unemployment in most rural communities within the southern sector of Ghana keeps increasing while malnutrition seems to be a chronic situation in some, if not all, of the communities. The project will provide sustainable entrepreneurship model and train youth – to trade palm weevil diets, and to farm palm weevils.

larvae in mash

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Palm Weevil Larvae in Palm Mash


The project is cost effective and sustainable.

We therefore call on your support in the implementation of this project.

Kindly see a brief description of the project at http://blog.gfar.net/2016/03/09/yap-proposal-276-farming-palm-weevils-ansah-boatemaa-ghana/ and support us by passing a comment – either a question or suggestion and share the proposal via your social media platforms.


If you wish to donate to our organization, kindly contact us.

 Thank you. 


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  • says :
    Thank you, Madam.
    Park, I'll do so.
    Posted 12-03-2016 17:14

  • says :
    Minjoo, great inputs you have made. I'll incorporate that and repost. Thank you so much
    Posted 12-03-2016 17:03

  • says :
    Hi Joshua. Good to hear the launched projects are aiming to help those in need. But as Minjoo said up there, it would have been nicer to see clear objects, strategy, the cost and other details of the project. Thank you for letting us know of your projects and hope you can attain your goal!
    Posted 12-03-2016 01:03

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing about this project. All the best for it's success.
    Posted 11-03-2016 21:05

  • says :
    Joshua, it's great to see you participating in such a meaningful program. I assure reporters in Tunza will be willing to donate to make a better world. If I could recommend one thing, it would have been better to list and at least briefly explain some of your main activities instead of just posting the link. Then, I believe more people will gain better understanding of the organization. Keep up the good work, and I sincerely hope the program will flourish :-)
    Posted 11-03-2016 20:32

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