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Organising 1st Leo MUN themed Climate Change and Human Rights

by Sujan Adhikari | 11-03-2016 16:41 recommendations 0

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Tunza Eco Network, Eco Project of Leo Club of Chitwan Central organised LEO MUN 2016 themed "Climate Change and Human Rights" this March 8-9 and I was one of coordinator and rapporteur of the program.


Delegates got their very first MUN experience with this Leo MUN. Chairing was done by Leo Rahul Acharya, Co-Chairing by Prarthana Neupane and International Journalist was Susmita Gaire.


MUN is difficult to creep into and it's like maze to come out and exactly this is what our participants felt and we can see MUN symptoms in them still.  Model United Nation, simulation to meeting held in UN is a way of learning, leading, debating and of course being diplomatic too in burning issues internationally.


Climate Change and its effect on Human Rights can be observed clearly internationally and this is the theme we chose for MUN and it is the theme that made our MUN wonderful with debater. Many motions were raised in 2 days and few were passed and discussed.

Motion Proposed and Passed:

Motion 1: Reducing Nuclear Reactor by 30 %

With motion proposed from Philippines on reduction of Nuclear energy by 30 %, developed countries like USA, Russia, China lobbed for nuclear reactor while developing, EU nations and Australia raised issues on reducing with logical reasons.

Initially opposed by USA and BRICKS countries but later they passed resolutions that mentioned "reducing nuclear power as per their capacities".


Motion 2: Banning on Fossil fuel

Australia itself got into trap of its own motion raised to ban fossil fuels and got into point ?complete ban is not possible and we are not talking for that and also Banning can be done where clean energy is available and unnecessary exploitation being done?.


It came into point after frequent pressure from developing countries and developed countries on the point that world utilizes 86.4 % of fossil energy out of total and what will be the future after its ban.


Motion 3: Provide Green Funding for developing countries for effects done by Climate Change

Mexico proposed this motion reckoning climate change had made serious impacts on life of people living in developing countries, affected their livelihoods and also destroyed their resources and structures. But this motion was opposed by Australia and USA issuing funding provided in pervious years had gone for corruption and nothing done to tackle climate change. Also they cleared that training can be given to develop technics, ways and mitigate climate change.

On the other stand, Ireland, Mexico and other developing countries stated that training couldn?t rebuild, replenish, and renew resources and structure damaged. Trainings can?t feed people and it?s funding what we need for betterment of affected people.


Later on resolution was passed stating" Urges the developed countries to provide adequate funds and compensations to the countries of grassroots level that have lesser roles in carbon emission but bear greater threats".


Motion 4: What developed countries are doing to the developing countries for maintaining climate justice?


Motion was proposed by Hong Kong to mirror activities developed countries are launching and focusing on. Developing countries blamed developed countries for carrying out only limited action and also behind these actions there lies there own benefits. Denying this fact delegates from developed countries put forwarded their points saying they have done enough action to support developing countries.

Climate justice is what developing countries are focusing and certainly its what they need to focus on these issue so they can pressurize developed countries for funding and other essential.


Motion 5 : Consequences of Climate change on Agriculture.

Issue raised by Philippines, majority of delegates welcomed this motion as negative impacts have been occurring in Agriculture due to climate change resulting food insecurity, outbreak of Disease and pest but delegates of Hong Kong pointed out the fact that Agriculture is also somewhat responsible for climate change by emission of methane and also climate change seemed to be supportive for agriculture by increasing production in the area where there was poor production before.

So developed countries are not only responsible for climate change, least developed countries which rely on agriculture also need to take share of climate change was main point focused by developed countries.


Motion 6:

Delegates of Mexico raised last motion on celebrating 2017 as international year against Climate change. This motion was supported by majority of delegates but Delegates from USA said it would be best to celebrate 2020 as international year against climate change instead of 2017. Later on, America was convinced by Mexico and agreed to celebrate 2017 as year against climate change.


Resolution Passed:

Only one resolution was passed showing the unity of world. Philippines, USA, Ireland, Mexico were Sponsoring Countries whereas China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Argentina, Belgium, Sri Lanka, Pakistan were co-sponsor.


United Nation International Program (UNEP),

Reminding all the members of the UNEP about the global issue of climate change harnessing clean energy sources.

Noting the efforts of various countries in overcoming the impacts caused by climate change.

Stressing upon the necessity of coordination among the developed and developing countries to rebuild degraded climatic pattern.

 Resolution Paper :

1.       Encourage the member countries to reduce their consumption of nuclear power energies as per their capacities

2.    Urges the developed countries to provide adequate funds and compensations to the countries of grass root level who have lesser role in carbon emission abut bear greater threats

3.    Regrets the heavy exploitation of non-renewable energy resources and requests the member nations to gradually reduce their dependency upon such resources.

4.    Stresses to prepare the citizens prone to climate change induced hazards to adopt and overcome the consequences brought upon by human induced climate change

5.    Encourages every countries to develop strategies , policies and technology to mitigate the problems caused by climate anomalies upon agriculture and ensure food security

6.    Demands to celebrate 2017 as " The International Year against Climate Change"





Votes on Resolution Paper :





















Hong Kong






























South Africa



South Korea












Word from our delegates:


Delegate of Australia (Prakriti Dhakal):

Living into your own world is being introvert. Roar out loud, be social, be debater and yeah be Diplomatic too. For all these MUN is enough and I got chance to be part of LEO MUN 2016.

Not only this I got much love from delegates of other countries and here it is. Thanks all for the cooperation.


Delegate of Mexico (Kabita Paudel):

What an opportunity to utilize the boring holidays got to learn diplomacy and meet few others like me! Nearly missed it by an inch and yeah the event was worth participating!


Delegate of Philippines (Asmita Gaire) :

Talking about Leo MUN it has become a great platform to negotiate with various climate related global issue. Observing the conference of Model United Nation in medias and here attending the conference for 2 day and representing Philippines among the delegates of various countries, Dias and other personalities. It really made me fell as I have attended an UN conference in real. Moreover, I get chance to acknowledge with various climate change consequences and mitigating measures spoken out by various countries Hence, Leo MUN really helps in developing diplomacy among different level of people and such program should be conducted more and more with maximum public participation.


Delegates of Belgium (Shoba Adhikari) :


On the date of 8th and 9th, March program organized by Leo club of Chitwan Central was so inspiring. It was the best experience ever I had being as delegate of Belgium. Missing all those participated in that program hope we'll meet soon. 

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  • Dormant user Sujan Adhikari
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 12-05-2020 02:25

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report

    Keep writing
    I hope to read more from you
    Green cheers
    Posted 25-03-2020 02:25

  • Basanta Adhikari says :
    Greeting Sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Nicely written
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Keep writing
    Green cheers!
    Posted 23-03-2020 10:48

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Thank you all for your sweet compliments :)
    Posted 26-03-2016 23:11

  • says :
    I can see important discussiin goinf in here.

    Dear Heonjun, lets nlt forget nuclesr reactor is a threat to humanity. Radioactive products as leaked inJapan can have severe consequences. We have plenty of wster, sun and wind, lets pour our concentrstiin on that.
    as a chair i was excited to see so many awesome motn being raiepsed by fist timer. ^_^
    Posted 15-03-2016 00:22

  • says :
    Just to add some more, regarding to the concern of the delegate from Hong Kong, yes, agriculture contributed to climate change through conversion of forestlands to agri lands and improper usage of fertilizers and other chemicals. However, we should not take for granted the fact that agriculture is food security itself, which the delegate from the Philippines tried to point out. Just to set an example, there is a country in Europe (not sure if it's Italy), that derives a large portion of their fuel from plants. We all know that it was really great as it mitigates climate change. However, the concern now in their place is food insecurity because the biofuel they use is derived from corns, which is a staple food. Now, what they are doing is looking for a plant that's not used in agriculture but can produce the same or higher amount of biofuel. In my opinion, that kind of mindset is what we should have. They are looking for a better solution to live a better life, instead of thriving back to what they used to have even it's a whole lot easier but unsustainable. Once again, thank you very much, SUJAN! It was really great to read your article.
    Posted 13-03-2016 11:58

  • says :
    Wow! Very important points have been raised. First, regarding the Nuclear reactors, here in our country, Philippines, we do not utilized much of nuclear energy (as far as my knowledge is concern, nuclear energy utilized here is solely for reasearch) It is due to the fact that as what we all know, the said energy is risky and unstable. Reagrding the fossil fuel, nice point for complete ban is impossible and can only be done where clean energy is available. However, this is where efficient and thorough research and development, for both existing and non-existing technologies, should come in. For example, for countries where there are a lot of bodies of water, potential utilization of geothermal energy can be looked after. In a country rich in plants, biofuel derived from plant species (not the ones used in agriculture) can be utlized. My point here is in one way or another, there will always be an available appropriate technology to produce clean energy. So for writing and raising this one to our attention, thank you very much SUJAN! Job well done! Very commendable!
    Posted 13-03-2016 11:51

  • says :
    Terrific article! This is a proof young peole are actively participating to ensure environmental sustainability becomes reality. Nice one Sujan!
    Posted 12-03-2016 02:11

  • says :
    Hi Sujan, I appreciate your effort writing this article. I see a lots of interesting topics I also want to exchange Ideas! But as the first one intrigues me a lot, I would like to comment few things of what I have in mind :D Reducing nuclear power might not produce results people want to see. I attended a conference(was just invited by a friend cause i had a lot of time to kill) several years ago where they invited environmental experts from prestigious schools from abroad. The panels talked about the future of energy and I remember one professor saying that despite popular belief that nuclear energy is not green, it is the greenest we can get for now, if controlled and maintained with care. Considering the efficiency of renewable energy we have for now, it would be difficult to provide power to so many people if it were not for the nuclear energy. And so far I think his argument was quite solid. (It is only my personal idea) Thank you for sharing!
    Posted 12-03-2016 01:15

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing details about first LEO MUN. I am so happy to see you organising and co-ordinating it so nicely and glad to read about Rahul having chaired it. I am sure through this MUN session, you educated many delegates, enriched them with knowledge on global politics especially with regards to Climate Change and provided them a platform to participate and shine as(model)diplomat.
    Whether it is attending , organising or chairing -any kind of role in MUN is a learning experience and memorable. Few months ago, I chaired International MUN at Dubai as Deputy President-World Economic Forum, and I tell you it was such an amazing and learning experience for me too. I miss MUNs. MUN becomes an addiction.
    Posted 11-03-2016 21:12

  • says :
    Well reported Leo Sujan Adhikari. Chair is happy hahahahahaha
    and yes I can see mun fever among our delegates yipeee
    Posted 11-03-2016 20:39

  • says :
    Sujan, I can see from your article that being a coordinator and rapporteur for LEO MUN has been a great experience for you. MUN is held in various parts of the world in diverse forms, and I also have experienced several MUNs during my highschool and university years. Motions and resolutions that were being debated during the program are well designed. If I could be part of your MUN, I might provide solutions such as designing eco-friendly city plans for urban development and encouraging the transfer of green technology between nations. Keep up the good work, and congrats for succesfully progressing LEO MUN 2016 :-)
    Posted 11-03-2016 20:27

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