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Malaria in the 1000 hills country

by | 12-03-2016 01:20 recommendations 0

Rwanda is a country known to the name of 1000 hills country, due to the relief predominated by high altitudes lands. It is found a little bit under the equator hence its equatorial climate. It is colder than hot in most of the year. Its climate is favorable for farming. Reason why, the economy of Rwandans bases upon agriculture.
The recent demographic census showed the number of 11.34 million of people on 26,338km2 of area.
According to EDPRS II (economic development and poverty reduction strategies), the government of Rwanda has subdivided the population into 7 categories of economic status. The category 1 is the poorest and so on. One of the criteria is the ability to pay the mutual health insurance. Mutual health is gratuitous for people in the first two categories, 3000rwf in the two second categories and 7000rwf in the last categories. Mutual health is the indicator of the healthy Rwanda though statistics show some who don't afford it.

According to scidev.net malaria is a consequence of climate change, due to the favorable conditions of the anopheles (female mosquito carrier of plasmodium) lives in.
Plasmodium, the causal parasite of malaria has got 5 species:
-P. Falciparum
-P. vivax
-P. ovale
-P. malariae
-P. knowlesi (less obvious in Rwanda)
The most recurrent is P. Falciparum.
Malaria has been an endemic disease in Rwanda.
The government of Rwanda has set strategies to fight malaria:
- Distribution of mosquito nets especially to pregnant women
-Community education about malaria
-Cutting bushes in the surrounding on UMUGANDA program (the program of public works conducter by every Rwandan at the last Saturday)
-Use of insecticides...
However, some hospital cases show that it has comeback in these months.
 What is the reason? is that people do not take thoroughly the medications?
Is that plasmodia resisted to antimalarials already in use? Is that most of the drugs used cannot have effect in the non-erythrocytic cycle of malaria (cannot act in the liver)?
Still research is conducted and everyone must be involved for the betterment of Rwanda.
Rwanda agriculture basedA hill near Ndera hospital

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  • says :
    Thank you a lot guys. This is my responsibility as a young person to take care. But as you know unity makes force. You also be involved. And I hope the government is actively involved because so many people are getting health insurance. cleanliness activities are being conducted...together we can do it!
    Posted 15-03-2016 17:19

  • says :
    Jean, it is a worry that Malaria is spreading in Rwanda. I personally believe all people should have medical insurance as their basic human rights to live, but the reality is that not everyone can afford it. The young, pregnant, and elder should be cautious about epidemic diseases and receive basic supplies such as mosquito net and medicine. Thanks for posting, and I hope Rwanda be safe!
    Posted 12-03-2016 21:59

  • says :
    Hi Jean. Thanks for posting! It's a bad news this time. It is especially worrisome since the zika epidemic is spreading around the world. The WHO is taking special measures to stop it from spreading and find out cure but it seems the best solution we have is to eradicate dirty places where mosquitoes can lay eggs. I hope your government offers the citizens a healthier environment so the people won't have to worry about the virus and other diseases. Thank you for posting.
    Posted 12-03-2016 13:38

  • says :
    The authorities as well as the people need to clean up their surroundings , so there isnt any standing water and garbage here or there on which mosquitoes breed. And also they should spray some mosquitoes killing liquids around their house or yards . They can also plant the mosquitoes repellent plants such as feverfew, citronella, catnip and lavender. The authorities also need to provide free vaccines to reduce the chances of malaria from mosquito bites .
    Posted 12-03-2016 13:19

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It is sad to know that Malaria has come back in Rwanda. People should take care. Water sources like ponds etc should be cleaned to prevent them from become breeding grounds of these mosquitoes. Standing/stagnant water around homes and towns should be avoided/minimised. Food in kitchen, restaurants etc should be kept wrapped/closed all the time. I hope laboratories finish their research soon and find out if current medications are still good enough to kill malaria and provide immunity against it. Thanks for sharing. You take care Jaen.
    Posted 12-03-2016 02:45

  • says :
    click on the photo to see it in full size
    Posted 12-03-2016 01:26

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