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Initating MUN

by | 14-03-2016 18:45 recommendations 0

Initating LeoMUN 

MUN for newbies seem all confusing but for those who have got experience of it know how awesome and addictive this is.

MUN is abbreviations of Model United Nation,  simulation  of United Nation. It's an excellent academic platform to get insight of global delegation,  learn different procedures  of United Nation. It's best platform to understand how various agendas are passed. It's a gate to diplomatic world. Actually,  defining MUN  will only limit its original meaning. Globally,  MUN is organised at various level ranging from high school to graduate level. Just Google it and we will enter into whole new world of MUN.

Beigning of the MUN journey :
When for the first time I heard about MUN at application form of GYELS 2015, I was confused what is MUN and likewise. I made foolish assumption of making it as other general program. As I googled,  I was surprised and baffled at the same time knowing how complicated the program was. I started searching for  MUN program at Nepal. Sadly,  I couldn?t find my anyone of my contact who was used to this term. I was hopeless and shattered. So I taught myself about MUN by watching videos on youtube and reading thousand of websites and likewise. Though I was unsuccessful to participate at GYELS 2015/16 I got learn about MUN.

Participating at EIMUN:
One thing that I never can do is leave what I have started. I was still searching for MUN opportunities in Nepal. But how do I find it was the biggest issues. None of the people I know had heard about MUN let alone finding me the right platform. With grimace face,  I was about to full stop my MUN journey. But before that I used a simple trick of MUN #MUNINNEPAL #NEPALMUN. 
Guess what it worked. My happiness knew no bound. I was leaping and dancing like crazy just because I came to know MUN is happening in Nepal as well.

I message about my interest in MUN and EIMUN was the  only  page that replied me promptly. Moreover, I was informed that MUN was about to happen very soon that too in Nepal and deadline was approaching. No sooner I got this information,  I applied for it. EIMUN means Everest International Model United Nation. 

And it doesn't stop here. Not only I got selected for EIMUN,  I got full scholarship to partake as well. This way my journey to EIMUN started. This is the only global experience I have ever had.

Guess what I got to meet very humble man and initatior or MUN,  Mr . Chewan Rai who is also founding president of Youth Thinker Society.

Participating at conferences is not only enough. After conference is equally important. What we do after conference matter most. If we don't share and execute what we have learned,  than its all worthless. This is the common view Mr. Chewan brother and I share. With me having MUN experience,  I wanted to disseminate the idea of MUN to Chitwan. I am the only one person with experience of MUN as a delegate by that time. 

It was herculean task for me to initate. First I had to make a team, teach them about procedure and jagrons of MUN then encourage other people to participate. It was not a cake walk.

So I started sharing my MUN experience and generating interest in MUN. Finally I had my friends all excited to be a MUN Team.I am lucky enough to be surrounded by youths who are akin to making change happen, who are willing to accept challenge and take risk.  The result is vivid now.

So, I brainstormed for my first MUN. I named it LeoMUN.The name was because I am charter secretary of Leo Club of Chitwan Central and LEO is my family. Than me along with my team started working for it. We had to prepare MUN logo, disemminate the idea to other youths,  and took care of every minute details.

I know how many sleepless night I and my team had gone to make LeoMUN happen. We had to college and organise workshop. We had many failed workshop. Sometime participants didn't show up and sometime we had to begg people to join workshop. Amid this, we continued our journey because we had strong belief in each other, in our team. 

And we finally decided to have our MUN at March 8-9. It took almost more than 5 months to start our first MUN. Amid some sets back and ups and downs, we conducted MUN. MUN was organised on UNEP model with main agenda being "Climate Justice : Climate Change and Human Rights ".  I had to take the courage to become Chair and run whole MUN.This was excellent opportunity we as a team created ourselves. We assigned each other as Rapporteur,  Co chair, International Journalist and facilitator. 
It was two day MUN and I was Euphoric. Delegates were in full debating mood. They raised brilliant motion and had great discussion.  Deeper understanding of such sensitive topic by my delegates was more than awesome.  And yes,  we had our first batch of MUN completed.
Barely, anyone can guess how happy I was personally.

Obviously it's was my dream to carry MUN and but it would have never been successful without my awesome, talented and dedicated team member. My friend Leo Sujan Adhikari, Ieo Susmita Gaire and Leo Prarthan Neupane as Rapporteur, International Journalist and Co Chair respectively. My friend and my brother Leo Ashish Ghimire and  Leo Dikshit Poudel as facilitator. You guys totally rock. To be honest,  if I was excited then they were super excited.  We certainly had lots of fun inbetween
 My brother Leo Bikal Ghimire and Leo Saroj Khatiwada for their constant motivation and fueling me up. Its always them I contact everytime I feel low and hopeless. Most importantly it was Chewan Rai brother whom I would contact to know about organising MUN.

I was alone then but now I have a great team of amazing youths with MUN experience.  I believe success of any program depends not on organiser but change brought in participant. I feel so happy when my delegates message  me saying they can't get out of this MUN session,  they calling each other as delegate of assigned countries every now and then. They will surely represent themselves as Delegate at International platform.

And LeoMUN very 2.0 will soon come. We aim to make it international and I firmly believe in my team.

PS Please read report of Sujan Adhikari. He is excellent rapporteur and great future leader. I am Mesmerizied by his reporting skill.

#leomun2016 #leoMun

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  • says :
    Thank you so much Nilanjan for kind comment and giving time to read the report.
    Posted 22-03-2016 00:55

  • says :
    Really an interesting report Rahul. MUNs are indeed a great way to channelize our thinking and to hone our decision making and critical thinking skills.Keep up the good work!
    Posted 19-03-2016 00:33

  • says :
    Wow you are participating at AUWIMUN. Thats so cool. I know some of the organiser whom i met at EIMUN . Happy to hear about you going to participate at such prestigious MUN.Hope to read great article from you dear Syed
    Posted 15-03-2016 12:15

  • says :
    Great report Rahul. Glad to know that you're in the MUN community as well. MUNs are actually a great way to build up different skills such as leadership, public speaking and negotiations. I will be participating at a MUN conference at the end of the month as well. It's the Asian University for Women International MUN (AUWIMUN). Looking forward to your future reports.
    Posted 15-03-2016 01:52

  • says :
    Hehe exaxtly Heonjun. We had lots of fun and evertthg still fresh in mind :D
    Glsd you wnet through my report as well ^_^
    Posted 14-03-2016 23:54

  • says :
    Hi Rahul! Yeah just like Minju said, Sujan gave us a heads up about the LEO MUN! Thank you for sharing other details about the event! And seeing from the comments on your teammates, you do look like you had fun, havent you :D Hope the event brings you lots of new people with good vibes. Wish you all the best!
    Posted 14-03-2016 22:44

  • says :
    Hello Minjoo, thank you so much for going through the report. It was beautful moment aftually and thanks to internet I could know everything I wanted to. Wow i am talikng with Delegate from NMUN hehe.
    exactly, how we easily befriend with eachother.I find it always funny we fprget the name but never stop calling eachother as delegate of psrticular country.
    We sre on our way and we will do it. Thank you so much once again our beloved Mentor
    Posted 14-03-2016 21:03

  • says :
    Yes participating as Delegate is one thing but being organiser and Chair in itself help us to have deeper understanding of MUN . I am so happy you also sjsre simiksr experience. Thank you dear Arushi for kind comment. Truly, MUN is the best plarfrom to learn about glibal issuse
    Posted 14-03-2016 20:59

  • says :
    We will soin launch the program. Thank youbso much forngoung through the report Dewi ^_^Hapoybto know we have so many people jn our tunza platform whonis used to MUN
    Posted 14-03-2016 20:56

  • says :
    Rahul, I have already read about LEOMUN from Sujan's article, and I sincerely respect your effort to learn about MUN and actually host the program as a chair. It must have been harsh, but these will turn into valuable experiences in your whole lifetime. Apart from researching and learning about a specific topic, I personally believe one of the meaningful characteristics of MUN is meeting diverse people from all over the globe. I still remember the moment when I participated in NMUN(National Model United Nations) in New York, and discussing and writing resolutions with people I have never met was a very special moment I cannot forget until today. I wish the LEOMUN 2.0 can be held soon with success. Good luck, and keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 14-03-2016 20:51

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Wonderfully written report-Rahul. Very interesting indeed to know how you settled your MUN curiousity. I am so proud of you. You not only enhanced your knowledge and experience by researching about MUN opportunities in Nepal and participating in it but also shared knowledge and experience with others by organising MUN. MUN is a great learning platform which not only teaches us diplomatic skills, official code of conduct but also enriches our knowledge on global politics and latest issues at hand. It challenges our researching, debating and convincing skills as well. Keep it up bro. Keep learning and keep sharing. Thanks for the vivid report.
    Posted 14-03-2016 20:48

  • Dewi Retno S says :
    The first time I know about MUN is through my friend who join MUN in USA. Then I know more about it when apply on GYELS facilitator last year. Even if I don't selected, but I know much more about MUN and how difficult it was.
    It was really great of you to initiate LeoMUN. Thanks for sharing your experience and hopefully LeoMUN 2.0 will be huge success! :)
    Posted 14-03-2016 20:44

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