Air Pollution
Air pollution is the major risk to the environment. The main cause of air pollution is using industries and vehicles a lot. During the last 50 years, there has been a enormous increase in the number of industries throughout the world. As we want to stay in high living standards, we create lots of things. As there are lots of things we meed, lots of industries are built and we make lots of things such as cosmetics,household chores and even food products from them. And we produce more than we need , these industries put harmful gases more and more which can lead to ozone depletion. These industries can harm animals' lives and undersea animals as they are near to the animal's environment and sea or river.And the production of harmful gases can reduce the rate of production of crops and vegetables due to climate change.And cause of the rate of production of crops and vegetables , this can lead insufficient amount of food throughout the world. So I would like to advise all the people not to use industries more than we need.
Another cause is using vehicles. Nowadays, car companies produce a lot of cars in cheaper price, almost everyone can afford to buy and uses them more and more. As we use petrol and diesel for cars more and more we put harmful gases more and more into the air which can lead to ozone depletion. As a result , there will be climate change and cause of ozone depletion we will suffer more and more from getting ultraviolet rays which can cause skin allergic and skin cancer. So I would like to advise all of you to use natural oil which can't harm our environment.And planting trees is a good way in preventing ozone depletion and these are a small description on air pollution.
Thanks for your interest
Very interesting article! Do you have any connections to the country you're representing for Tunza? That would be very interesting.
Posted 20-03-2016 18:35
Hi Phyo! thank you for taking your time to share your idea! I read your article with much interest and at the end I came up with a question haha. You said that we need to use natural oil that can't harm our environment, but what does this mean? Do you mean to say we have to use LPG gas..? or other types of gas that emit comparably less carbon dioxide...? I didn't fully understand. But thank you for showing us what you think really! I'll see you again in twenty days :D
Posted 20-03-2016 10:43
You righty said -vehicles and industries contribute maximum to air pollution. We can't live or rather nations can't grow without industries but industries can be made to abide by the air pollution control laws e.g. it can be made mandatory for all factories to have electrostatic precipitator to emit harmless air. Auto/Vehicles fuel policy can be put in place -Mass emission standards can be implemented, frequent cars pollution control checks etc.
Thanks for a well written report.
Posted 20-03-2016 02:37
Phyo, thanks for informing us about air pollution and the ways to solve the problem. Humans have sacrificed the Earth for a more convenient life. The more we produce, the more we live a polluted life. It is now time for us to develop technologies for cleaning the Earth, such as utilizing renewable energy source and increasing efficiency of fossil fuels. Using public transportation as much as possible instead of automobiles may be another solution. Thanks for posting, and have a great day :-)
Posted 20-03-2016 01:25
Thanks for sharing the report Phyo.
Posted 19-03-2016 19:57