Air pollution in UAE |
by Neha Swaminathan | 19-03-2016 19:43 0 |
The MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region has the second-highest concentration of gas flaring in the world, after Russia and the Caspian region.
The rapid industrialization and urbanization has resulted in the UAE having the highest per capita carbon dioxide emission rates in the world.
ADNOC and Masdar have launched the Middle East's first carbon capture use and storage project, awarding a US$122.5 million contract to build the facility Fast paced construction activities, oil production, power plants, tourism etc are making air quality poorer. Recently the World Health Organization problem has listed the Middle Eastern countries as being most polluted. The United Arab Emirates has been named as the most polluted country when looking at the volume of small particulate matter in the air, according to the latest report compiled by The World Bank. UAE had the world's highest exposure to its newly introduced PM 2.5 criteria, which measures tiny airborne pollutants smaller than 2.5 microns. The UAE's PM 2.5 level stood at 80 micrograms per cubic meter, more than China (73 micrograms) and India (32 micrograms). WHO guideline says this should be less than 10. The fine particles of sand, dust and chemicals can deeply penetrate into the respiratory tract and also cause health problems and premature death. The data also showed that in many parts of the world, there is drastic increase in air pollution and has become the main environmental threat to health. In 2010, almost 84 per cent of the world's population lived in areas where PM 2.5 exceeded the WHO guideline of 10. Pollution caused by high PM 2.5 levels also resulted in more than 3.2 million premature deaths globally. COUNTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST AIR POLLUTION LEVELS IN THE MIDDLE EAST (2015) 1. United Arab Emirates Mean annual exposure to PM 2.5: 80 micrograms per cubic meter 2. Qatar Mean annual exposure to PM 2.5: 69 micrograms per cubic meter 3. Saudi Arabia Mean annual exposure to PM 2.5: 62 micrograms per cubic meter 4. Kuwait Mean annual exposure to PM 2.5: 50 micrograms per cubic meter 5. Bahrain Mean annual exposure to PM 2.5: 49 micrograms per cubic meter The above report from WHO has been described by the UAE authorities as incorrect citing the windy conditions in desert areas compounding the results of the study. I too agree with this view that UAE indeed has far better air quality than many other countries and WHO is soon expected to disclose the basis of their assessment to enable correcting the same. Strange but true that the recent war prevailing in some of the ME countries had caused the industries to go idle and this in turn has vastly reduced air pollution. Starting in 1991, many legislations like the Federal Law No. 12 of 2006 regulated the air quality. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) was started with six monitoring stations. Recently this was expanded to fourteen monitoring stations. The AAQM network continuously monitored the criteria pollutants such as Carbon Monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter (PM10/PM25), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Ozone (O3) and results are evaluated based on air quality standards and the set goals. The results are being interpreted in a manner that is easily understood by the general public using air quality index such as clean air, light, significant and heavy pollution and high dust with reference to general health effects and safety warnings. With the exclusion of dust, DM-ED likewise consistently achieved its annual target of clean air days for the past years. At the public level, UAE has also banned smoking of all tobacco products in all public buildings, including restaurants, cafes, and office buildings. More important is effort from every building owner and/or household to properly clean their Air conditioning ducts in the Middle East where the summer weather is extreme and breathing of air through air conditioners is a common practice. |
Hi Neha! thanks for another great report! Hmmm yeah it does seem fair to revise the methodology to measure air quality in the middle east regions, considering the environmental surroundings of the area. My country's air quality level is also heavily dependent on our adjacent country which is China. Sometimes the pollutants measured in the western part of South Korea show that about thirty percent of them are from China. Anyway your story is alarming in that the level of PM 2.5 went up so high, even considering the surroundings. Hope all the best for greener future of the country and thanks again for sharing!
Posted 20-03-2016 10:51
Neha, it is a great news that the UAE government is pushing for acts such as banning tabacco and cleaning air conditioning ducts. Also, the pollution from dust or sand can be partly solved by planting trees in the deserted areas. The plants can not only make the area greener, but can also hold the sand not to flow away and worsen the air pollution. If showing continuous effort, I assure UAE can hopefully follow up the international standards. Thanks for posting, and keep up the good work :-)
Posted 20-03-2016 01:21
Thanks for the report Neha. Yeah, dust storms being the desert region further deteriorates the air quality . BUt as you mentioned the local government has been putting in lot of measures to improve it .
Posted 20-03-2016 01:16
It feels good to know that UAE has banned smoking of tobacco as it not only causes air pollution but also possess as a great health hazard.
Posted 19-03-2016 20:00