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Air pollution in Algeria

by | 30-03-2016 18:07 recommendations 0

Air pollution in Algeria is caused by the transport sector in the large cities of Algiers, Oran and Constantine, by burning municipal and medical waste and and by industry.
* Transport sector:
Vehicles, especially the old ones constitute the most important environmental pollutants in major cities and because of the combustion of fuels, a number of pollutants are produced : nitrogen oxides (NOx) comprising nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), heavy metals like lead and dust, as unburned soot, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide (CO2) and negligible amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2).

*Incineration of medical waste:
A sheer volume of medical waste is burned in an improper manner, and unhealthy to reduce the cost and tax evasion, Its size is estimated at 124 thousand tons per year.

*Emissions From Insdustry:
For industrial pollution, Cement factories distributed on the total territory are important sources of pollution by particles, as well as by the combustion gases, the cement factories of  " Rais Hamidou, Sour El Ghozlane, Meftah, Chlef, Zahana, Béni Saf, Saïda, Hadjar Soud, Aïn El Kebira, Aïn Touta, Tébessa, Djeniene Meskine" cause an annual influx of an estimated 4569 tons of ozone, and 1,200 tons of carbon dioxide and 464 tons of organic compounds vaporized non-methane, and 1020.000 tons of sulfur dioxide.
Gypsum and Lime Production units is also considered one of the most important sources of air pollutants, in addition to refining factories as a result of the combustion gases as contributing to the increase of greenhouse gases.


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  • says :
    Yes,I agree with Minjoo,You categorised the major sectors which contribute to pollution really well and made it easier for us to comprehend ! Stricter policies are one of the ways pollution can be kept under control. Thank you for the great report :)
    Posted 03-04-2016 02:17

  • says :
    Abdessamad, it looks nice when you categorized each sector that influences air pollution in Algeria. If you have shown us the statistics in %, we could have easily compare which sector contributes a lot to the environment. Thanks for your article, and hope you have a great day :-)
    Posted 31-03-2016 23:52

  • says :
    Thanks for reporting Abdessamad. Good to learn more about Algeria (although it's only on environment). I wonder if the country will be adopting carbon trade market so to decrease the emission? It'd be really great to know. Thanks for writing!
    Posted 31-03-2016 19:07

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Emission from factories and transport, usually are the critical culprits for air pollution in most of the countries so as in Algeria. Hope situation improves. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 31-03-2016 01:15

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