In Kenya, university education has expanded rapidly since the introduction of the 8-4-4 system in 1985. The total university enrollment stood at 324,560 in 2013 according to the Government of Kenya statistics. Currently, shout 400,000 students are studying at Kenyan universities. University enrollment is expected to keep increasing due to a young growing population, free primary education and a higher transition rates. The combined undergraduate and postgraduate enrollment is estimated at 1 million by 2020.
There is hence need to mobilize the numbers, innovation and the energies that the youth have, especially those in institutions of higher learning in Kenya and Africa, to help surmount the sustainable development challenges facing the country and the continent. The Kenya Green University Network is a timely initiative that engages students in institutions of higher learning towards environmental sustainability. The initiative is supported by UNEP, NEMA ( National Environmental Management Authority), CUE ( Commission of University Education) and GUPES (Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability) KGUN aims at developing environmentally sound practices in higher education, fostering low carbon, climate resilience development strategies and sustainability across campuses. KGUN will cover all aspects of higher education including curricular development, training and campus operations as well as promoting greater student engagement across all the institutions of higher learning. KGUN is also in response to the Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development ( ESD) and the UN Sustainable Development. SDG 4.7 |
Thank you so much everybody
Posted 16-04-2016 02:40
How can we become a part of this ?how can we partner with this organization to help make a difference
Posted 13-04-2016 18:06
Wow John, it is impressing that the Kenyan Green University Network is supported by such initiatives and also provides great experiences to students. If you have any chance to be part of that, or if any of your friends are engaged, it will be nice to hear from your article about KGUN in specific. Thanks for posting and have a great day!
Posted 13-04-2016 17:22
Hi John, thanks for taking time for this! I think it's a very good move from the university's side to actively engage in environment just like the Kenya university network. These kinds of activities are more likely to have bigger impacts to students who are willing to get permission from the school. Have a good day!
Posted 12-04-2016 17:04
I really appreciate this inititaive by 'Kenya Green University Network' to mobilise and engage students towards environmental sustainability. Youth has immense potential , today's youth are tomorrow's leaders so they must be involved in sustainable development for which engaging them at university level is essential. Initiatives like this is a great step. Thanks for sharing.
Posted 11-04-2016 02:38