Hello again! Today's article deals with the chronic crisis that India faces, Drought. I have researched on the reasons that have led to the drought like conditions in India (Maharashtra and Rajasthan). And have suggested ways to tackle drought like conditions. I hope you find it Interesting!
It was summer time and we were enthusiastic to visit one of the most attractive destinations for tourists, Rajasthan, "The Land of Kings"as it literary means. I saw majestic and flashy palaces and the rich heritage was mesmerizing. This was not all there was a glimpse that left me pondering for a while. I was shocked to see a group of women travelling long distances to fetch drinking water in pitchers on their heads. After I returned I researched about the developments that are taking place and how is the government advocating the developments.
Water shortage is an issue of major concern. Currently, India faces this issue and we must be sensitive towards the problem so that the next generation does not suffer from the apathy and negligence.
Drought is complex and, in India it is a natural as well as manmade phenomenon. We have various agencies in the country which monitor drought (rainfall & aridity) such as the Central Water Commission (CWC) at the national level and the Agriculture, Irrigation, Economics and Statistics departments monitor the seasonal conditions at the state level.
So, you might be wondering as to what are the factors which have caused this chronic crisis? So, here are the primary factors which have led to the present condition.
Factors: -
Human Factors:- Widespread cutting down of trees for fuel reduces the soil's ability to hold water - drying out the ground, triggering desertification and leading to drought. Constructing a dam on a large river may help provide electricity and water to irrigate farmland near the reservoir. However, it may also cause drought downstream by severely reducing the flow of water.
Over farming: - As we all know, it takes time to for the soil to replenish the nutrients but over farming reduces the fertility of the soil and creates drought like conditions.
Excessive Irrigation:-This has caused loss of water in the water tables. Moreover, poor farming methods, usage of huge amounts of pesticides, non- judicious usage of water, etc have led to more consumption of water and reduction in water levels from the water table.
Deforestation and Erosion: - Forests play a major role in conserving the top layer of the soil as they do not let the winds blow at high speeds they do not let the water evaporate too quickly, etc. If the soil is dry then sunlight would continue to warm the surface and thus make conditions hotter and drier thereby leading to severe consequences.
What can be done:-
1. Research in Institutes/universities to evolve drought resistant varieties of crop which would produce yields even in scarce water conditions and also retain the top layer of the soil.
2. Teaching the scientific use of water. Developments in practices of farming.
3. Judicious use of water.
An award has been awarded to an Indian campaigner who has brought water to 1,000 villages. The award was named "the Nobel Prize for water"! The Stockholm Water Prize winner, Rajendra Singh is known as the "The Water Man of India".
Thank you for reading the article! Please share your thoughts below :-)
Thank you for sharing your views Bindu! We are battling hard to tackle the issue well :)
Posted 14-04-2016 11:38
Minjoo request accepted :) My next article will be about Ranjendra Prasad :) Thanks for sharing your views!
Posted 14-04-2016 11:35
Ida thanks for the suggestion! I would want to know more about it from you. I want to know as to how it works. Thank again :)
Posted 14-04-2016 11:34
Dear Nilanjna, I have read about the Mr. Rajendra, Water Man of India in the news report. Drying water resources is an issue of global concern and rightly pointed both natural and anthropogenic factors are equally responsible climate change and growing population being the prime one. Economic use of water can restore water table to greater extent.
Thank you for well analyzed report :)
Posted 13-04-2016 21:00
Nilanjan, a number of countries including India are currently suffering from water shortage. Climate factors may be impossible to change, but farming methods and irrigation technology should be improved. I personally wish to hear more about an Indian campaigner who received the award. Next time how about sharing about his invention and how we brought water into such places? Just my personal recommendation :-) thanks for posting and have a great day!
Posted 13-04-2016 18:02
Well, I think the smallest thing we could do is making a biopori. A biopori is a hole dug in the ground for 1 meters, and you have to cover it with smashed dry leaves. A biopori could help bring water into the earth. You can make many, and it would really help when dry season comes. Of course it doesn't work straight away, but you could see the result in a few years. I know cause I've tried, and it really helped my family water problem. I hope this suggestion could help you.
Posted 13-04-2016 01:38
Yes John. Water in our country has become sparse. I wish to work in this field and try and teach the uneducated the judisious use of every drop of water.
Posted 13-04-2016 01:30
Hello Heonjun. It is indeed sad. We have debates everyday on the television about how drought has affected the residents of the place. The saddest part is government has done nothing substantial. :'(
Posted 13-04-2016 01:29
I agree Arushi! Thanks for reading my report :)
Posted 13-04-2016 01:27
Most of our countries are water deficient. We need more water initiaves
Posted 12-04-2016 19:46
Joint effort to save water is desperately needed! the most affected countries and least affected ones show discrepancy in their development level. Developing countries tend to be less prepared for droughts and water crisis. Yet another gap we face today. Thanks for the report and will see you in ten days :[
Posted 12-04-2016 17:47
I, personally, admire Rajendra Singh and have been following stories/features about him. Salute to this real Eco Hero. Water is an essential element and very crucial for everyone in this ecosystem. At our end, the minimum we can do is NOT to waste any drop of it.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted 12-04-2016 02:42