The other side of banning Plastic covers |
by Neha Swaminathan | 20-04-2016 03:54 0 |
To tackle the problem of plastic bags litter, discussions about banning plastic bags have reached advanced levels in the UAE Government. According to Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA), the body representing plastics producers in the region, the application of a ban of conventional lightweight plastics bags in favor of degradable bags may create even more problems. Implementing the use of degradable plastic bags makes people think that because the bags degrade, they can be absorbed easily into the natural environment. Degradable plastic bags need very specific humidity conditions and sunlight to disintegrate into smaller pieces of plastic, which are then much harder to retrieve. Degradable plastics have additives that interfere with the recycling process of plastics. Because of the small size of these fragments, collection and segregation becomes more complicated. So the plastics industry suggests using durable plastic bags that can be reused by consumers for a longer period. If people are forced to buy them, then this could reduce litter of plastic bags. While one may think that cotton, paper and other cellulose-based reusable bags are the choice, these require lots of energy and water to produce them. They are heavier compared to plastic bags and affect on the environment during transport from where they are produced. The solution lies in retailers providing only reusable heavyweight and non-woven plastics bags. Charges for carrier bags will also help reduce use of plastic bags. This is done in countries like Canada and UK. Hope to see this done in UAE very soon. |
Thanks neha for introducing multiple perspectives on this matter! The best way is the arms! haha..ha. Though I kind of think, if retailers sell reusable bags in cheap price, wouldn't people just buy more reusable bags whenever they forgot to bring one of the bags they already have piled up in their house? It just came to my mind haha.. you never know! Thanks for bringing more thoughts to this! thanks as always :D
Posted 23-04-2016 22:59
Neha, when I first heard about degradable plastic bags in the UAE, the first idea that came to my mind was 'Wow, this can contribute a lot to the environment!' while the second one was 'If people know these bags are degradable, wouldn't they use more than before?' Producing degradable bags are more costly and needs more complicated effort to decompose. I hope there could be more campaigns encouraging people to use recyclable bags. Thanks for reporting, and have a great day!
Posted 21-04-2016 20:00
While reading your report, I thought about the two girls who had a successful action plan to ban all plastic bags in Bali. Hope this is an inspiration: https://www.ted.com/talks/melati_and_isabel_wijsen_our_campaign_to_ban_plastic_bags_in_bali?language=en
Thank you for the report!
Posted 21-04-2016 11:51
You are so right! I think anyone should have your own bag. Here in Brazil is really common to see people going to the supermarket carrying a cotton bag to bring their stuff! It was not very common a few years ago, but the supermarkets started to charge a lot for plastic bags, so people are just starting to adapt!
Thanks for the report :D
Posted 21-04-2016 11:45
I completely agree with you. Reuseable bags should be provided by retailers and plastic bags should be made available at high price to discourage their use. Thanks for the great report.
Posted 21-04-2016 01:21