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Air Pollution in Nepal, Worse than before.

by Sujan Adhikari | 20-04-2016 12:44 recommendations 0

Be the part of solution not the part of pollution. The unending race among nations all over the globe for development has jeopardized the human race


Nepal's air quality ranks 177th out of 178 countries, according to Yale's Environment Performance Index better only than Bangladesh.

The latest Environment Performance Index (EPI) 2016 released at the World Economic Forum puts Nepal 177 among 180 countries in terms of air quality. India, China and Bangladesh are the only countries performing worse than Nepal. It has ranked Nepal 149 among 180 countries, in overall performance.


The previous EPI ranked Nepal at 139 in 2014.(The index, a Yale University-based initiative, measures national and global protection of ecosystems and human health from environmental harm, draws out trends and highlights data gaps in priority areas including air quality, water management, and climate change.)


Under the air quality, one of the nine assessment areas to determine the overall EPI ranking, the exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide, and percentage of the population burning solid fuel indoors were measured. The particulate matter (PM 2.5) is considered one of the most harmful air pollutants that lodge into human lungs and blood tissues, increasing the chances of lung cancer and other life-threatening respiratory diseases, among others.


The EPI report says that 75 percent of the total populations in Nepal are exposed to unsafe levels of fine particulate matter, as air pollution is a growing global problem.


Numbeo, a crowd-sourced global database, has ranked Kathmandu (score 96.66 out of 100) the third most polluted city in the world after Tetovo (Macedonia) and Cairo (Egypt) at Pollution Index 2016.


Article 35 of the Constitution of Nepal has established "Right to Clean Environment" as fundamental right of the citizens.


It states, "Every person shall have the right to live in a clean and healthy environment." There is also a provision that ?victims of environmental pollution or degradation shall be entitled to compensation from the polluter as provided in the law?.


The Environmental Protection Act and National Ambient Air Quality Standard require the government to create a healthy and clean environment for people. But the government lacks specific plans and programs to control pollution to make country a cleaner place to live and breathe in.

Source : Yale Index , Numbeo

Image Source :http://nnv.nepalnews.com/images/imagestories/NPC071-Daily_Life/NPC071-DL-752-NJR-c.JPG

Air Pollution in Ktm

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  • Dormant user Sujan Adhikari
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 12-05-2020 02:25

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report

    Keep writing
    I hope to read more from you
    Green cheers
    Posted 25-03-2020 02:25

  • Basanta Adhikari says :
    Greeting Sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Nicely written
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Keep writing
    Green cheers!
    Posted 23-03-2020 10:48

  • says :
    Right to cleaner environment is so vague, making it easily breakable even when it's one of the most basic needs to people! People should be more concerned about the overall quality of life they have rather than just focusing on the amounts of goods they produce! which is the only calculation you get from the current GDP system! Thanks for showing us the problems you face in Nepal. I hope the country as a whole moves toward the better! thanks for posting!
    Posted 23-04-2016 23:02

  • says :
    I agree with Arushi that it was a great idea to start with the quote, and I also thought that quote could be Sujan's article title as well. Sujan, it is a pity to hear that Nepal is suffering from extreme air pollution, but the government is not yet showing clear visions about how to solve the problem. All human being has its right to breathe clean air, and actually this contributes largely to one's quality of life. Thanks for reporting, and have a great day!
    Posted 21-04-2016 19:53

  • says :
    As much as this report is mind-blowing, it is sad that 75% of the population are exposed to unsafe levels of fine particles matter. in conjunction with the legislation, more measures should be sought in eliminate this level of pollution in the nation. All the best in your efforts.
    Posted 20-04-2016 16:21

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I liked the way you started your report and agree with the quote'Be the part of solution not the part of pollution'.
    It's really sad to note that Nepal has one of the worst air quality levels. I hope all residents, corporates, agencies and govt put their (right) acts together to improve it at the soonest.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 20-04-2016 15:49

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