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A new cyclo powered by solar energ

by | 28-04-2016 01:09 recommendations 0

Cyclo was a popular means of transport to Vietnamese many years ago. In many places of Vietnam, cyclo is still a unique culture symbol. However, cycling cyclos are really tired, especially on hot days.

Three students from Da Nang invented cyclos powered by solar energy which help drivers save energy. At starting point, they didn?t have money to implement their project of making a new cyclo. Therefore, they decided to eat noodle for months to afford their brainchild. It took them a few months to construct their cyclo.

The energy is mainly supplied by solar panels stuck at the top of the cyclo. However, in rainy days, the vehicle still can operate by charging electricity. And when their cyclo version was introduced, it received a lot of praise from many people. The local authorities highly appreciated their invention because cyclo running by solar energy is friendly to the environment and is highly applicable in tourism.

However, the students haven?t been content with the first product. They are trying to improve the appearance more beautiful. In the near future, Danang will apply this kind of cyclo to tourism service sector.

We should really respect and thank great effort and contribution of such talented youths!

source: http://kenh14.vn/bo-3-sinh-vien-da-nang-an-mi-tom-danh-tien-che-tao-xich-lo-chay-bang-nang-luong-mat-troi-20160420154000342.chn

Photo credit: Thanh Tran

cyclos powered by solar energycyclos powered by solar enrgy

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  • says :
    Dear Minjoo and Arushi, your suggestion is really useful. I will note that idea. I hope in the future I can tell it to the inventors. :)
    Posted 01-05-2016 00:17

  • says :
    This invention looks really interesting. I really hope this gets implemented on a wider scale. The government as well as the private sector should do more to encourage students and the younger population to contribute to sustainable inventions. It was a nice report.
    Posted 29-04-2016 19:39

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Kudos to the efforts by the students. Solar powered Cyclo looks great.Thanks for sharing.
    @Minjoo-I had the same thing in my mind using piezoelectricity to power such cycles.
    Posted 28-04-2016 18:17

  • says :
    Thao, I am surprised to see how wonderful ideas can come out from those students. Using solar energy is of course a great idea, but if there were piezoelectronic devices on the cyclos, it would have been better to gather energy. If then, whenever people ride those cyclos, they will be able to produce electricity by themselves and use when they are tired. Thanks for posting and have a great day!
    Posted 28-04-2016 14:18

  • says :
    Thumbs up for the students' devotion! And it was not even for themselves! I wouldn't be able to save money from what i eat whatever the cause is haha... Is there a crowd funding, social funding system in Vietnam? If not, I think they might be able to reap some amount of funding from foreign sites? What they're doing is so commendable after all. Thanks for posting!
    Posted 28-04-2016 12:38

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