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|LATIN AMERICA| Technologies that Save the Environment

by Luiz Bispo | 28-04-2016 06:52 recommendations 0

Green tech industries in Latin America have been growing so fast because of investment of foreign companies. The abundant resources, amicable regulations and government in Latin America encourage large European or North American companies to come together to Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and other countries in order to launch projects and develop technology.


The Climatescope 2013 report says that 6% of global clean energy has been invested in 2012. Renewable energy has been the main focus of innovation and Latin American is already considered as the global frontier for unsubsidized solar market.


Latin America has an energy matrix, which is considered the cleanest among all regions in particular, 70% of power generation is renewable, which is 3 times the world average.

Brazil has the largest potential for wind resources in the world and a vast biomass capacity and leads hydropower. Mexico is challenging Brazil in wind and has giant geothermal reserves and leads a solar region.


There are several factors which enable Latin America to develop sustainable technology.

Rapid urbanization brings the negative effect such as the pollution, water shortages, improper waste disposal and traffic congestion challenges of its cities. The region decides to turn to new green solutions to solve these problems.


Moreover, abundant resources and the region geography are significant attractive points for innovators. The huge open spaces and skies such as Chile's desert and Antarctic regions are free of obstacles faced by companies everywhere.


Source : The Guardian 


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    It is good to know that Latin America has strategised to attract foreign investment in the renewable energy industry. It makes sense too for like minded technically sound companies to come together and develop green technology. Thanks for sharing with the beautiful pictures.
    Posted 29-04-2016 02:55

  • says :
    Luiz, good to hear Latin America is promoting its sustainable development through foreign investment. Since developing renewable energy is very costly, it may be necessary for some countries to bring in foreign technologies to some extent. Thanks for posting, and have a great day!
    Posted 28-04-2016 14:22

  • says :
    Thanks for posting Luiz! Impressive pictures! That photo with a big dam... just so big. I was not aware that the Latin american countries are all taking busy steps in the industry. Good to know! and please let us more of the continent and your country continuously, thanks!
    Posted 28-04-2016 12:47

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