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Training of Trainers (TOT) on simulation of climate change negotiations

by | 30-04-2016 19:56 recommendations 0

 Before explaining the details about Training of Trainers (TOT) on simulation of climate change negotiations let me first throw a light on Conference of Parties (COP) and COP in My City project.


Cop In My City (CIMC) launched in 2013 is an ambitious project coordinated by CliMates, an international think-and-do tank bringing student solutions to climate change. CIMC aims to bridge the gap between climate change negotiations also known as Conference of Parties (COP) and young people around the world. Working as CIMC leader from Nepal for past 3 years, I am serving as Asia Regional Officer in 2016. CIMC comprises of 3 common but flexible phases. Firstly CIMC leaders are trained with different tools like webinars, powerpoints, toolkits etc. to understand the history and achievements of climate negotiations so far. Then, CIMC leaders conduct simulations of international climate negotiations aka Conference of Parties (COP) in their local community. During simulation participants negotiate until they reach a persuasive agreement. The second phase is mobilization CIMC leaders engage young people from their community and/or public for action on climate change. Actions may be reforestation, wetland conservation, cleanliness drive and so on. Debriefing is the third phase, where CIMC leaders submit debriefing forms to regional officer explaining their experience and outcomes of CIMC. The central team makes best use of Social Networking sites like Facebook, twitter to widespread the results of CIMC globally. In 2015, 3500 youths were trained with 110 simulations in 25 countries around the world. Thus, CIMC is a multidimensional and multicultural initiative for inspiring youths in local climate action and building alliance of global change makers.


As a Cop In My City Asia Regional Officer, I aspire to encourage more and more youths in taking concrete local climate action and creating a global network of change makers. For this reason I had planned to visit different cities of my country Nepal to train the interested Cop Leaders on how to run simulations in their community. So, on 4th April, 2016 I kick started first TOT at Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur Nepal where about 42 undergraduate students of different faculty including Agriculture science, environmental science, journalism, forestry, social work, management etc. attended. In the training participants were guided on how and what to do as Cop Leader, the phases of Cop In My City and what are the recent progresses in universal climate change negotiations. Assistant Professor from AFU Mr. Himal Luitel  shared his expression and commitment of support for the project in the university


Similarly, on 8th April I travelled to next city Bhairahawa around 5 hours public bus, to train students of Agriculture and Veterinary Science faculty. Around 35 youths attended the training with enthusiasm. It gives me immense pleasure to travel different places and interact with youths of diverse background, share my experience and motivate them to act towards sustainable future.


If anyone my mates in Tunza Eco- generation is interested in joining Cop In My City family as Cop Leader feel free to email at copinmycity@climates.fr As a concerned youth of this generation, it's our responsibility to save our mother earth and maintain intergenerational equity.



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  • says :
    Dear Mentors: Minjoo and Heonjun I am so blessed to hear your kind supportive words :) I am fond of advocating on youth empowerment and inclusion at all level of decision making. Climate change being a topic of my interest, I am loving serving as Asia Regional Officer for Cop In My City and recruiting climate leaders around Asia to take the lead for local climate action :)
    Posted 07-05-2016 12:26

  • says :
    Bindu, what an exceptional opportunity! You're one step closer to becoming international environmental expert. Besides all the nice education system you can receive, the network and experience in and out of the community will definitely benefit you much. Great to hear from you. take care!
    Posted 04-05-2016 12:15

  • says :
    Bindu, good to hear you working as an Asia Regional Officer from this year. Communication is certainly an important thing, since all people face environmental problems, no matter where they live. Thus all of us has the right to voice our opinion, and if there is someone like you to hear from them and communicate, that will be a big help. Keep up your amazing work, and have a great day!
    Posted 04-05-2016 11:13

  • says :
    Bindu di its amazing.Good to see your dedication,perseverance and hard work through your reports.Your work definitely inspires many and create eco-heroes of the future.All the best.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 02-05-2016 23:44

  • says :
    Hello Bindu. So this is what you were talking about regarding Cop In My City (CIMC). Looking forward to learning more about your inspirational work! It was a nice read.
    Posted 01-05-2016 14:18

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, it's always so encouraging to see you kind comment. Thank you for your supportive words :)
    Posted 01-05-2016 10:13

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's so inspiring to see you travelling to different cities, giving TOT, sharing your knowledge and experience and generating eco-warriors and COP leaders. Definitely, we as youths have responsibility to actively work and save Earth. Thanks for sharing your inspiring work.
    Posted 01-05-2016 04:06

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