Green Roof Technologies |
by Adam Zhou | 30-04-2016 21:16 0 |
As our modern day societies grow both in population and technology, plenty of initiatives are being put in place to minimize the impact we as humans make on our planet. One emerging idea is that of ?Green Roof Technology.? Resembling the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, it consists of having the roof of efficient covered with living plant life. However, that is not the only piece of history it holds. Thousands of years ago, homes were built in that same way where people would also use the roofs for agriculture and ceremonies. Now, in modern times, we have found ways to counter the leakage issues and how to control the spread of wildlife. Starting during the 1970s, German engineers and scientists started the market spread of green roofs where many layers would be there, consisting of root barriers, drainage openings, and irrigation management. Other factors that appealed to customers was the lightness and cheapness of the product and a handful of environmental as well as personal benefits. Not only does the use of Mother Nature?s resources help out in making housing look more appealing, but it also can have plants filter water taken in from rain (and is later related to drainage systems) and helping make the air cleaner by letting out oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. For animals such as birds, the habitat provided will play a role for them. In terms of the infrastructure itself, green roofs help maintain temperatures suitable for comfort and therefore reduces air conditioning and heating costs. The roof life can double or even triple with such technology. One notable and successful result out of many is that of having a green roof on top of Chicago?s City Hall. In addition, it was built with the mindset to make the city the greenest one in the country. With over 20,000 plants belonging to around 150 species, the roof has walkways as to make it people friendly. Economical savings include 5000 USD each year for utility bills and this is great especially since this money could go to education facilities, other infrastructure and of course, the preservation of nature. This is certainly a feasible project with several corporations giving services to build and plan green roofs. Imagine your hometown now fitted with this new technology. How might this impact the everyday commuter in his or her daily life? How might this impact yours? Let us spread such awareness, and hopefully, this dream can become a reality. Image bibliography: Green Roof City Hall, Chicago. Digital image. INSinsideIDE. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. <http://insideinside.org/green-roof-city-hall-chicago/>.
Thanks for posting Adam. It's not exactly the same with the rooftop garden you wrote about, but I came across this beautiful vertical garden when I traveled around in Spain several years ago. (http://inhabitat.com/patrick-blancs-lush-vertical-garden-is-a-green-oasis-in-the-middle-of-madrid/) It's called Lush vertical Garden, designed by Patrick Blanc. With the technology you introduced, these kinds of beautiful, environmentally beneficial gardens would be able to be adopted with much less expense and maintenance. Thanks again for sharing!
Posted 04-05-2016 12:19
Adam, those roof top technology is so gorgeous. Like what Syed and Arushi said, when I took a glance at your report I thought you were trying to discuss about rooftop gardening. It is amazing that these plants can control temperature and can work as filters as well. More than all, it looks just beautiful to see greens in the city. Thanks for your interesting report and have a great day!
Posted 04-05-2016 11:23
This is cool! Haha my first thoughts after reading the report headline was rooftop farming/garden as well. But this is a useful technology as well that is helping people to reduce the usage of air conditioner. It was s nice report Adam.
Posted 01-05-2016 13:55
WOW! It's quite interesting.When I just saw the picture in your report, I thought it must be about 'Rooftop gardening'. But after reading, I realised you are talking about an interesting green roof technology which also helps maintain temperatures, takes care of leaks and increases the durability of roof. Thanks for the vivid report.
Posted 01-05-2016 04:11