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Window Dustbin :(

by Prakriti Dhakal | 05-09-2016 14:33 recommendations 0

Amazing the world is, excited and happy enough to travel specially while moving to home, sweet home. This article doesn't favor sentence" I missed home" it's all about travelling. Uncountable number of buses, which travel through Pokhara-Muglin-Narayaghad highway. Here at the window side a little beautiful girl is next to me. I was cracking jokes with this little mind.


While travelling she took a packet of lays and with a big smile she offered me. Patent hospitality from this little girl, seems astounding. My hungry stomach didn't deny her offer of spicy lays. But as she finished she was about to throw it from windowpane and lucky me, at the moment I succeeded stopping her. I asked her "Sweetie, is this what you learned in your school?" She nodded without answer. I preached her about eco-friendly behavior every human should have. Throwing plastic, bottles or anything from the window or anywhere doesn't reflect eco-friendly behavior. It pollutes environment and it is the main cause of accident on highway.


She felt sorry for that and then I let her to ask with conductor about dustbin, and at a moment he took that packet and threw it from the same window of my side.

How rude. I suggested him about the consequences of it, I am teaching this little girl not to throw it and the so-called senior what you did? And he replied nothing will happen with your suggestion, will you be able to stop all the vehicles?  Not at all, it is in words not in practical.


Yeah, I faced it today, not only in this travel in every single bus I travelled the same, 'window dustbin'. This is the reality of the human denying protecting nature and cursing on fate.


Suggestion, I need from Tunza Ambassadors to solve these issues. If any ideas implemented before for this or an ideation would work for it. All these about my short travel.

Window Dustbin

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  • Dormant user Prakriti Dhakal
  • recommend


  • says :
    Thanks Prakriti for sharing what you have experienced from daily life. It was like reading a part of a literature! From my personal opinion, I guess the ultimate problem lies in people's unconsciousness and lack of education. There must have been not much education about why we should think about the environment before making an action. It is certainly hard question to deal with. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
    Posted 11-09-2016 21:29

  • says :
    By the way, please write down the URL or the reference of the photo!
    Posted 10-09-2016 15:19

  • says :
    This format is new here Prakriti, it's more like reading a literary text! I like it a lot hehe :D I don't know much about how the children are taught in Nepal regarding garbage disposal but at least we now know the little girl won't throw things away from that moment. Thanks for telling us your daily story and hope to hear another interesting story again nex time.
    Posted 10-09-2016 15:18

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for writing about & discussing on this issue. People are so careless and ir-responsible towards environment and their city that they don't event think twice before throwing garbage out of the window like this. Such actions not only spoil the beauty of a place, but also is detrimental to the environment. Buses and all public transport should have dustbins to stop these acts. Also municipalities or government should implement laws to punish such people.
    You should write through national newspapers to address and raise awareness about this issue further.
    Posted 08-09-2016 22:01

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Good lead Prakriti, Speaking out towards such people is must to tackle such isses. Yeah Bus with dust bin can be solution also people need to have private corner in their bag or handcarry to put such items for a while until they are disposed to dustbin.
    Thank You for your concern :)
    Posted 07-09-2016 00:24

  • says :
    Dear Prakriti sister, thank you for raising this serious concern especially in developing countries like ours. I have faced several times the same circumstances as well.
    In terms of solution, I have seen nowadays buses having bins inside that encourages passengers to throw their left overs and wrappers in proper place. Definitely individual concern and stakeholders participation is a must to widely apply this idea.
    Thank you for this insightful report :)
    Posted 06-09-2016 14:45

  • Yvonne Wabai says :
    My grandmother taught me that I have to throw something away, I should properly dispose of it, and if I can't do so at that particular moment, I should carry it with me until I can. So Everytime I buy a roadside snack, I carry its wrapping with me until I find a bin, that is, if the wrapping is not re-usable. My friends sort of stuck with the idea after I gave them the wide-eye for littering.
    Posted 06-09-2016 03:30

  • says :
    The situation is widespread, and the solution lies in the EPA and local authorities strengthening and enforcing sanitation laws. We need to advocate for a government to acr
    Posted 05-09-2016 21:47

  • says :
    Hi, I have also experienced the same situation while I was travelling to my university, because it is a long distance travel. I think this is a problem with people's attitudes. They know the consequences of throwing trash through the window while travelling, but the thing is they do not think about others and the environment. So, I think the governments should take rigid actions against these type of activities and as ambassadors we need to try to change people's attitudes and protect the environment
    Posted 05-09-2016 18:00

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