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Night Paddock Manuring Farming System (NPMFS) as a means of reducing CO2 emissions in Cameroon

by | 06-09-2016 03:41 recommendations 0

Night Paddock Manuring Farming System (NPMFS) as a means of reducing CO2 emissions in Cameroon


As one of the less polluting countries Cameroon is engage in the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) but most especially CO2.


 In fact,the government is looking for possible ways to tackle this issue and farmers came up with a new method which aims at gathering cows in farms for the night and in the morning the cow manure could be used as fertilizer.


The whole process was studied by many Cameroonian researchers and from their report, they concluded  that despite the fact that plants contribute up to 28,56 percent to CO2 emissions and is a natural source of carbon dioxide, the activity of the cows reduces the CO2 percentage therefore the technique is advisable.


Furthermore, this natural manure help reducing the use of chemicals, on the soil and fighting climate change.


Fertilisation des sols par parcage nocturne : pour une réduction des émissions de CO2

Faisant partir des pays les moins pollueurs, le Cameroun s'est résolument engagé dans la lutte contre le changement climatique et plus spécifiquement la réduction des gaz à effet  de serre.

Pour atteindre son objectif, le gouvernement est à la quête de nouvelles techniques dont la plus utilisée  par les agriculteurs à l'heure actuelle est le parcage.

La fertilisation des sols par parcage nocturne est une technique qui vise à parquer des boeufs sur des parcelles pendant la nuit. Grâce aux fèces et urines déposées par les boeufs, les parcelles se sont fertilisées.

Cette technique a minutieusement été étudiée par les chercheurs agronomes Camerounais et ils ont aboutis aux conclusions selon lesquelles : en dépit du fait que les plantes contiennent du dioxyde de carbone, le long processus connus par ces plantes-là dans la panse des boeufs réduisent  le CO2. Alors cette technique serait à encourager.

 De plus il est à noter que cet engrais nature aide à réduire l'usage des engrais chimiques sur les sols et aide dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.

example of Night Paddock Manuring

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  • says :
    Minjoo Mentor thank you for reminding me i will next time
    Posted 22-09-2016 22:13

  • says :
    Thank you

    Posted 22-09-2016 22:13

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's quite interesting and innovative to have cows stay overnight and next morning use their manure as fertiliser. This is a sustainable way to deal with cow dung/manure and get rid of chemical fertilisers. Thanks for sharing with us about this Night Paddock Manuring Farming System (NPMFS).
    Posted 12-09-2016 20:56

  • says :
    Oh and next time, don't forget to site the references, especially regarding the images.
    Posted 11-09-2016 21:20

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing, Tchpatchet! Though I am not able to understand French, I enjoyed a lot reading your upper part of the article. I hope you can share more interesting reports with us as Tunza ambassador from Cameroon. Have a great day!
    Posted 11-09-2016 21:19

  • says :
    Welcome to Tunza eco generation, Tchpatchet. Ooh fancy! haha you can even write reports in French! Not many would be able to do so :D Great to meet you and hope you'll tell us many interesting stories! cheers!
    Posted 10-09-2016 15:24

  • says :
    Thanks Gallimard

    Posted 07-09-2016 05:58

  • says :
    Thank you Yvonne. Thats Africa

    Posted 07-09-2016 05:53

  • Yvonne Wabai says :
    Great post! I like that you used both French and English in the write up.
    Posted 07-09-2016 04:59

  • says :
    Great post!

    This is a nice initiative taken by the diffenrent parties.

    continue the nice job.
    Posted 06-09-2016 05:00

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