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Recycling of Fish Scales into green Energy

by | 15-09-2016 18:57 recommendations 0

Fish scales are thrown generally as waste but researchers have now developed a biodegradable energy harvester from it as these scales contain collagen fibres that possess piezoelectric property. The synthesis of bio-piezoelectric nanogenerator (BPNG) from this biowaste can be used in self-powered implantable medical devices, in vitro and in vivo diagnostics, e-healthcare monitoring, surgeries, portable electronics to reduce e-waste and for the development of value-added products.

Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. When piezoelectric material is placed under mechanical stress, a shifting of the positive and negative charge centers in the material takes place, which then results in an external electrical field. When reversed, an outer electrical field either stretches or compresses the piezoelectric material.

The piezoelectric effect was discovered in 1880 by the Jacques and Pierre Curie brothers. They found out that when a mechanical stress was applied on crystals such Berlinite (structurally identical to quartz), cane sugar, quartz, Rochelle salt, topaz, tourmaline it generates electrical charge. An example of man-made piezoelectric materials includes barium titanate and lead zirconate titanate.

In the future, goal of Scientists is to implant a bio-piezoelectric nanogenerator into a heart for pacemaker devices, where it will continuously generate power from heartbeats for the device?s operation, it will then degrade when no longer needed. Development in this field and BPNG will definitely help in keeping the environment green.







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  • says :
    This sounds crazy but very innovative. I hope biological waste can be turned into such useful purposes.
    Posted 18-09-2016 18:47

  • says :
    Hmm interesting. We really are trying to move toward a more sustainable society, it seems. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 17-09-2016 14:19

  • says :
    Wow, thanks for sharing such interesting news, Mohit! It seems very strange that fish scales, which we mostly throw out, can be used as an energy source. It may be hard to collect such biowaste from every household, but if all family can utilize it by their own, it can contribute a lot to cutting the use of fossil fuels. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
    Posted 16-09-2016 00:14

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I also read about it with great interest in 'Gulf News' recently. Disposal of a fish bio-waste like scales increases environmental pollution so using them to make BPNG is indeed a great discovery and amazing example of recycling/upcycling and sustainability. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 15-09-2016 22:08

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