The revolution of Electronic and Electrical technologic leads the continuing change in equipment features and capacities. The demand of newer leads the replacement of electronic good and causes mass generation of Electronic Waste (E-Waste). Most of the electronics products are destined for disposal. E-Waste refers to end-of-life electronic products which include mobile phones, computers and television. Besides, E-waste also refers to semi-finished industrial products and punching scrap froam Electronic Industry which regulated by Environmental Quality Regulations Malaysia. Based on United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) approximation, the total amount of E-waste could fill a line of 40-tonne trucks on a highway and straddle three-quarters of the Equator.
Why we should recycle E-waste?!
In Malaysia, most of the E-waste end up improper recycling management or disposal at suburban district. , The chemicals components are released into the soil when rain and released into the atmosphere when open burning. The composition of E-waste is differs based on categories. Based on UNEP report, more than one hundred different substances that fall under ?hazardous? which include mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). One of the most toxic sources of E-waste is cathode ray tubes (CRT) which we can found in old television. The most harmful part of CRT which contain mercury dust needs to process in a contained room.
Besides, majority E-waste contains valuable base materials especially gold (Au) silver (Ag) and copper (Cu). These valuable base materials are included in electrical circuit and control board because of their high electric conductivity and electro-chemical stability. 90% of the printed circuit board (PCB) are using copper as raw material. Based on 1kg E-waste, the recycle process can re-attract at least 20g of copper which mean the metal concentration in E-waste is higher than commercial mined minerals. One tonne copper can be sold for about 5000USD. Recycling E-waste provides high potential therefore to be an attractive business.
The Environmental Protection Agency from United State mentioned that 80% of the improper E-waste management and discard in a developed country will end up with environment issues and health issues in third world country. The unsound legal system especially environment law in third world country enhance the issues. Majority irresponsible contractors only bury all E-waste in soil without systematic management. The environment is permanent damage. Be a responsible resident, start E-waste recycle practice as soon as possible.
Yow, thanks for letting us know about e-waste and the reason we should recycle. Actually I also get really confused when throwing out e-waste, since I don't know which category I should recycle. However, regarding harmful effects to our environment, we should be more careful! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
Posted 24-09-2016 01:09
YOW, thanks for raising this topic. You see, e-waste is very toxic and consumes a lot of natiral resources in its production. I did my undergraduate research on e-waste contaminated soils. It is very difficult to treat soils and waters polluted by e-waste toxins.
Posted 18-09-2016 18:36
It's good that the authorities are starting to see the importance in recollecting used electronic goods and harvest the components for reuse as the price of rare earth and the danger of uncontrolled disposal rise up to a notable level. Good to hear. And thanks for posting on time. Hope you'll give us more info on Malaysia. Have a good day!
Posted 18-09-2016 15:51
Thank you Yow Chuan Teo!
You just make me know more about E-waste, as an Electrical and Electronic Engineer i am very concerned about this issue.
I will then sensibilise the other engineers about E-waste.
And, unfortunately developing countries do not have strong policies to control what enter in their borders. Traders just use this fact to pollute these developing countries, The International corps know about this but they close their eyes.
Posted 17-09-2016 15:09
In addition to its damaging effect on the environment and its illegal smuggling into developing countries, e-waste has adverse effects on human health, such as inflammation and oxidative stress precursors to cardiovascular disease, DNA damage and possibly cancer. So it's important and wise to dispose them safely or give them to environment protection agency for their subsequent recycling and safe disposal. Thanks for the report.
Posted 16-09-2016 18:10