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Environmental CSOs in Ghana

by | 20-09-2016 09:19 recommendations 0

Dear Tunza EcoGeneration family,

I am happy to share with you some vibrant environmental organizations in Ghana.

First is Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) – this is an organization I co-founded during my undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Coast. As a student established Civil Society Organization, GAYO focuses on environmental sustainability through youth educational programs (such as the World Climate Simulations) and also serves as an advocacy anchor in promoting eco-friendly and sustainable practices in communities and the nation as a whole. GAYO uses social media to interact with diverse people on environmental issues while urging the mass to commit to climate action.

Ghana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM) – this is a youth-led organization that focuses on climate change other pertinent environmental issues. GYEM, through partnership and dedication organized the first Power Shift event in Ghana which is currently the nation?s largest environmental youth gathering. Additionally, GYEM together with GAYO successfully launched series of anti-coal campaigns which has yielded significant impact in Ghana.

Ghana Youth Climate Coalition (GYCC) – another youth-led organization that focuses on climate change in Ghana. In 2016, GYCC organized Power Shift-Ghana in Kumasi. The event attracted over 500 participants and collected over 400 signatures towards the anti-coal campaign in Ghana. Currently, the organization is implementing a Green School project which is assisting high schools to recycle their waste while planting trees across the nation.

Green Ghanaian – This is an organization dedicated to providing meaningful environmental knowledge to Ghanaians on the various environmental issues in the country. The Green Ghanaian Initiative, recognizes the knowledge gap that exists between Ghanaians and their environment. As local content is difficult to come by, and many environmental enthusiasts tend to resort to foreign news to understand environmental issues, Green Ghanaian provides articles and important statistics on Ghana's environment. 

Environment 360 – A local organization committed to teaching children environmental issues and eco-friendly lifestyles through diverse fun activities and events. One of their major activities which brings people of different background to value eco-lifestyle is the annual Float Your Boat event. The event allows cooperate organizations to build a boat out of plastic waste for a floating competition.



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  • says :
    Hey Minjoo and Heonjun, thanks a lot. Although I started whole lot of things before joining Tunza, I have really learnt a lot.
    Posted 26-09-2016 06:30

  • says :
    Thanks for your well organized list of Ghanan environmental organizations! Yeah I knew you are one of the most active members on this site but that you're a co-founder of the organization says it all. Thanks for sharing! cheers
    Posted 22-09-2016 20:49

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing such environmental organizations in Ghana, Joshua. About the GAYO, it is amazing to hear that you are one of the founders. Since it is constituted of students, the program seems very fresh, like using social media for communication.
    Posted 20-09-2016 18:33

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