Nuclear waste |
Nuclear waste is one of the most toxic wastes produced as it is radioactive. Nuclear waste are mainly produced by Nuclear reactors that are used to generate electricity. There are various ways of disposing such wastes. Low level radioactive nuclear wastes, such as contaminations on a certain material, could be disposed off in landfills. Highly radioactive nuclear wastes, however, are stored away underwater until it decays for it to be safely kept within concrete walls. When the decay level has reached ?safe?, the waste could be recycled to generate electricity again. If nuclear waste is not disposed properly it may cause an extensive amount of harm towards the environment such as groundwater and soil contamination. It may also cause the people exposed to die off from cancer or they may mutate. Faunas exposed are also not much different as cases of the Chernobyl nuclear accident has caused various cases of mutations to the wildlife. Advantages of Nuclear power plant produces the least amount of waste compared to other forms of alternative sources of energy produces large amounts of energy from a lesser amount of raw materials compared to energy generated from fossil fuels does not depend on natural aspects such as weather conditions, etc. Disadvantages of nuclear power plant There is no controlling of how big the damage may be when an accident occurs The damage may be long term Causes the area to evacuate and becoming a ghost town difficult to dispose nuclear waste Until today, the chernobyl power plant, even though it has exploded during the accident still has a very high level of radiation around it. The buildings and the ground in its environment that has been exposed to the explosion is highly contaminated with radiation from the nuclear waste. Having a large amount of energy from little raw material may be a great advantage, but is it worth the risk of destroying a whole city? |
thanks for sharing
Posted 06-02-2018 21:54
good report
Posted 06-02-2018 21:54
Patricia, thank you for your report. As you have well written, there are disadvantages as well as advantages. We have to keep on asking ourselves if we should continue with nuclear energy. However, simply to drop sounds unlikely to me. I wish we get to find much more safer way of using it, although major disasters like the case of chernobyl, fukushima seem inevitable.
Posted 04-06-2017 16:16
Hi Patricia! Thanks for sharing your report on nuclear energy.
Your report well explains both sides of nuclear energy. We should admit that nuclear enery has explicit benefits to human, but the thing is, as you mentioned, whether it is worth risking the whole city and country...Thanks for the report again!
Posted 02-06-2017 22:31