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Earth day event with street children

by | 01-06-2017 00:35 recommendations 1

As an environmental & social activist, I have been teaching eco-crafts to around 37 children at the market. They don't go to normal schools like us as they have to earn money from a young age. My friends and I (Green Team Indonesia) are now having a mission to empower them in strengthening their skills in eco-crafting, such as making useful items out of plastic bottles, making paper plates out of old newspapers etc.

Besides crafting, we also introduce them on how to celebrate some events. On April 23rd, we finally held an event for them to celebrate 3 big days with us: Kartini Day, Earth Day and World Book Day. As founder of Green Team Indonesia and Tunza's Regional Ambassador, I officially gave a bucket of Sunflower plant to the representative of our City Mayor as the symbol of celebrating Earth Day. We planted the Sunflower together with the kids and they have an obligation to take care of it.

We chose Sunflower because it represents the Sun. The Sun always shines without hoping for anything in return. The Sun always shines for us sincerely. Just as how we have been towards those kids and the environment. We do volunteering sincerely and without hoping for anything in return.

I think that's what we should learn from the Sun.
Earth Day 2017

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  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:50

  • says :
    good report
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:49

  • says :
    Great work. Am glad to know about this lesson from the sun, and about the work you are doing both for mother earth and the society. ! Thank you for sharing Patricia.
    Posted 13-06-2017 22:18

  • says :
    Great work with a great sense of achievement especially when we do it for less privileged children. Keep it up Patricia.
    Posted 07-06-2017 22:11

  • says :
    Patricia, thank you for sharing your committment. What a job there you've made! Giving a sunflower never sounded better for me. What it means to you and what you are trying to achieve with it, impressive. I wish you keep on with your committment.
    Posted 04-06-2017 18:49

  • says :
    Hi Patricia! Thanks for sharing inspiring story with us:)
    I really admire what you are doing especially with kids!
    Thank you again for your efforts and keep it up.
    Posted 03-06-2017 10:06

  • Chabala Chisenga says :
    This is great my brother,I'm in support of the good work you are doing and I will do the same next Saturday,I will go and interact with the street kids,this is part of my action plan.
    Posted 03-06-2017 06:25

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