The world environment day theme this year was ?connecting people to nature?. Often times, a few people take off time to realize the value of nature. Yet nature has a lot to offer to mankind. All around the world and especially in big cities, the built environment is out competing the natural environment. The environment around us has not yet been valued by the citizens themselves, city planners and other practitioners. In the world today, almost half of the world?s population is living in cities and there is no doubt that this will further increase in the coming years. It is also predicted that much of this growth will happen in developing countries.
Amidst the population, there are fumes from cars, dirty air, dust, noise, and the overall urban stress, there are not enough green parks, protected natural lands, ecological reserves, wetlands. The vitality of the Natural landscapes in preserving regional ecosystems amid growing cities and as well its important in connecting people to nature has not yet been prioritized. City dwellers need to have mental relaxation and get relieved from daily city stress and depression. Do you know why the numbers of mad/ depressed and aggressive people is rising in cities? There is not enough places for them to calm down depression. Green serene places have a mental health benefit.
The pressure and competition between people and buildings in the urban space is overwhelming. This has pushed away a lot of citizens to go to more livable cities to enjoy best moments of their lives like honey moon, anniversaries in other cities. However, Most of these are not attracted to these cities because of the commercial hubs, no, as a matter of fact, they are going to these livable cities where they will wake up in the morning, have a view of green, ooze in the fresh air , cycle, participate in active recreation without going to the country side.
When urban parks are prioritized, the cities will be at the greatest advantage. Global warming will be slowed down since the trail networks will be free to allow easy walking and cycling and so reduce on emissions. The old railway lines if transformed into green ways, planting gardens on rooftops can maximize limited space and curtail greenhouse gas emissions. Every tree helps fight global warming by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and help cool cities.
For the health of our cities and to connect more with nature, practitioners, and the citizens need to express their value for nature through thinking about parks as also a great urban policy objective, and as cities aim at growing into commercial hubs, airport hubs, office hubs among recognized fancy positions globally, it becomes an obligation for cities to conserve the natural environment not only for beautification but the biggest benefit that lies beneath. The multiple processes that occur between human systems and natural systems need to be bonded effectively, equitably and sustainable. There are lots of long term benefits that can be achieved if cities prioritize this locally, regionally and globally.
To celebrate the World Environment Day, I went to one of the slums in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda to do some awareness program among the locals on the need to be responsible for creating livable spaces, Solid waste management, and conserving a water source which serves almost the whole area. This is a slum that has tried to do a lot of valuable materials from wastes that are collected from households. For example briquettes, pavements from bottles, among others. planners , environmentalists need to encourage these activities specially to help people that are living in slums of the city and are being affected by worst environmental challenges.
good report
Posted 06-02-2018 21:36
Joanita, hats off to your kind and noble gesture in visiting such a slum, educating them about important environmental values and appreciating their efforts. This is such a meaningful WED celebration. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Keep it up.
Posted 17-07-2017 18:13
Hey Joanita, your report was very interesting and encouraging. Thank you. Happy WED
Posted 19-06-2017 07:31
Joanita, thank you for your report. Another ambassador here to celebrate the World Environment Day! Reading your report, I felt myself being highly encouraged to take greater care of our environment and at the same time had a moment of reflection what we must further do to protect nature. As you have mentioned, expressing what one thinks about nature could be a good starting point.
Posted 13-06-2017 12:20
This is amazing effort & will a ling way to encourage others as well. Keep it up!
Posted 12-06-2017 17:05
Thank you family
Posted 11-06-2017 20:08
Hi Joanita! Thanks for sharing your report:)
What you've done is more than protecting natural environment, improving life quality of the people! I really admire your efforts and keep it up!
Posted 10-06-2017 12:26
Aww... Joanita I am really in love with what you did. You might think this is a little awareness but drop by drop an ocean is formed. I urge you to keep up the good work and continue connecting people with nature. Well done.
Posted 09-06-2017 09:12