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School outreach

by Xilola Kayumova | 09-06-2017 15:42 recommendations 1

Hello everyone,   How are you all doing? Is everything going well? Well, I did one more conference on 24th of February. This one took place in the 36th kindergarten of Asaka District. It was also another great experience I had with my little brothers and sisters who I loved and who loved me so much.

We started up with meeting each other by saying our names. After we got to know each other for a bit, I started asking questions. I gave the same questions to these kiddos too:

What is nature?

What kind of things have you done to prevent nature loss?  

How do you prevent nature loss in daily life?

Can we live without nature?

Can nature live without us?

 And so on....

I got good answers from students, but was not very satisfied. To tell the truth, their knowledge was great for some kindergarteners but I was used to giving conferences in schools and maybe thats the reason why I was not very satisfied with my younger brother snd sisters.

 I stopped asking questions and started talking about what nature is, how its getting polluted and how we can stop it. They seemed to understand so I asked questions again. Some of them were answered.

     Then, we just moved on to playing games. I tought them how to play "Day and night". We played the game together and at the end, I gave presents to the 3 best participants. It was very fun. Especially getting it done with little kiddos)

      I told each participant to sit on the small tables and gave them some paper. There were 4 tables. I told to draw seasons of the year. When they were done, I collected their drawing and gave it to their teachers to choose 3 best ones. (Here, during the time I told the students what to draw,  a very disgusting thing happened. Im very sorry for telling this, but I had to(   A small boy, I dont really remember his name now, peed right on my foot. And the worst thing is, he had extra undies and a pair of pants,  but I didnt have socks, nor pants(((    ...    )  

The teachers chose the 3 winners and I awarded them too.

      Then,  we played another Uzbek game called "Domla keldi". In English,  it will be "The teacher came". During the song, participants walk in a circle holding their hands and at the end,  when a phrase "Whoever moves is BALD" is said,  they stop moving. Whoever moves loses and gets out of the game.   The song is as follows:

             The teacher came, and opened his journal. He put 1, 1 is bad. He put 2, 2 is bad. He put 3, 3 is bad. He put 4, 4 is good. He put 5, 5 is great. He put 6, 6 is digs. He put 7, 7 is heaven. He put 8, 8 is weight. He put 9, 9 is wine. He put 10, 10 is a sculpture,  and whoever moves is BALD.

      We had another game called "Flew, flew". Students come to a circle and put their hands on top of each others. For example, If you are playing,  then one of your hands is on top of your partners hand,  and the other one is in the bottom(because your partners is on top). When you say 1 line of the song, the hand which is on top, claps the partners hand(which is on top of your other hand). The song is as follows:

              - Look, it flew, flew!

        - What flew, flew?

        - A bird flew, flew!

        - When did it fly?

        - In the morning!

        - Then at what time?

        - At    ....   (This person says the number he wants and the group counts until  that number.)

Well, I can surely say that I had a good time. And one more thing, do you know why I like kids,  because they are real. You cant find anything fake in them. They are just natural and they laugh from the deep bottom of their hearts....

At the end, I thanked the Main Secretariat of Director of this kindergarten and gave her an Eco-bag. She was also very happy to see how we had fun


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  • Dormant user Xilola Kayumova
  • recommend


  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:26

  • says :
    good report
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:26

  • Swosthi Thapa says :
    Woww...it sounds good.. conducting programmes and workshops in good way can educate people about environment and nature conservation.. keep it up!!

    Posted 15-06-2017 02:32

  • says :
    Xilola, thank you for your report. This was a hearty report that lets us feel the love you have of kids. Engaging oneself with kids can inspire great changes. I wish you keep on with that!
    Posted 13-06-2017 12:23

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done! The best way to teach young ones is play way method. If you could post more pics of the workshop, it'll add value.
    Posted 12-06-2017 17:03

  • says :
    Hi Xilola! What a meaningful conference activity:)
    I think you organized this conference in a very fun and exciting way!
    I believe the kids leaned valuable lessons as well as enjoyed the event! Thanks for sharing your report.
    Posted 10-06-2017 12:33

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