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The Philippines Concurrence on the Paris Agreement

by Bam Azores | 02-07-2017 20:44 recommendations 1



Several months back, in February 2017, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Paris Agreement that will require highly-industrialized nations to put a cap on greenhouse gas emissions and to use more renewable energy sources. The signed document was then forwarded to the Senate of the Philippines for them to concur with the ratification.  The Committee on Climate Change is Senator Loren Legarda, who received the signed document. 22 Senators voted to adopt a resolution concurring with the Agreement.  This Agreement aims to keep global warming below 2 degrees centigrade. This will also give the Philippines access to the Green Climate Fund where the nation?s with big carbon emissions are obligated to pool together US$100 million every year to support vulnerable countries like the Philippines.

Early in the month of May 2017, delegates from the Philippines joined the climate negotiations in Bonn, Germany.  The delegation was headed by Climate Change Commission Secretary, Ms. Vernice Victorio with members from concerned government agencies.  This negotiations were part of the preparatory talks for the 23rd COP to be held in Bonn. The Philippines hopes to continue to lead in the advocacy for climate justice particularly on climate finance, technology transfer and development, among others.


A Tripartite Conference on the Philippine Inclusive Roadmap for Paris Accord was held at the Manila Hotel on May 29, 2017.  Keynote speakers were Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chairman, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Senator Loren Legarda, who gave the national perspective on the vulnerability of the Philippines as well as the responses the country is making.  Present at the conference were leaders of civil society, government and international organizations.


The Conference brought together leaders of civil society, government and international organizations to define the Philippine roadmap to the Paris Agreement, which would initiate the actions and responses that the country has to do to maintain a sustainable low carbon economy.  There were discussions on clean energy, transport, environment and health, sustainable tourism, infrastructure, green buildings and other related topics.  A Declaration was submitted to the Office of the President at the Closing Ceremony.


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  • Dormant user Bam Azores
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Utmost respect to the Philippines for recognising, appreciating and signing the Paris Agreement. Glad to know that the nation is seriously working towards low carbon economy to fulfil its commitment to the Paris Agreement. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 12-07-2017 17:44

  • says :
    Hi Bam! Thanks for sharing your report on Philippines's reaction to Paris Agreement:)
    I'm glad that Philippines joined Paris Agreement! Hope all countries will work together to combat climate change.
    Posted 06-07-2017 22:19

  • says :
    Bam thank you for your report. When and how Philippine joined the Paris Agreement. One could catch the informations here. Since it was February that the President singed the Agreement, it hasn??t been a long time. Could you tell us what the people of Philippine thinks about the agreement? Are they excited? How is the media reacting to the agreement?
    Posted 06-07-2017 12:48

  • says :
    Glad to read it.
    All the best Philippines.
    Posted 03-07-2017 02:45

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