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by | 03-07-2017 22:04 recommendations 0

The Ministry in charge of the environment, sanitation and sustainable development launched a great project in the early months of the year 2017. This project is called ?? OPERATION GRAND MENAGE?? which means operation of great clean up. Since its launch in the month of February, it has become a success but there are still great challenges that are making barriers to the full success of this project.


Once initiated the operation of great clean up is supposed to take place the 1st of each month.              As a matter of fact, the operation requires that each citizen in the city of Abidjan sweeps, clean up or wash in front of his house or yard. What we notice is that the operation is effectively run the 1st of each month and this constitutes its first point of success. The second point of success is that even army groups are engaged and run their great clean up?s operation beyond their military camp. They clean the streets the first of each month. The two points show that the operation has succeeded, but there are some challenges which are impeding the project to run very effectively as wanted by the founders.


This ambitious project which aims at transforming our environment where we live, eat and sleep into a clean place is facing obstacles. In effect, many people are not aware of the project, they do not even know that this kind the ministry in charge of the environment has initiated this project. Therefore, they do not carry out actions and they do not participate to the operation while this operation concerns everyone living the city of Abidjan, because according the authorities in charge of the project, if your neighbor has a dirty environment you can be affected though you have a clean environment. So, the fact that everyone is not taking a step into this project shows one the difficulties this initiative is facing. Also, there are many people who neglect the project while they know its existence. They do not care about it and they refuse to carry out actions. This again shows that the project is still hurting the wall. It is very important to find ways to get everyone involved.


As the project is still not yet effectively going on, we have to think about solutions that can help accelerate the effectiveness of the project. The first thing to do is to communicate on the project. In fact, the authorities in charge of the project have to raise awareness around the project, they must use all possible channels to inform people and let them know the importance of this project. Secondly, they have to sensitize people. As a matter of fact, they can send volunteers on the field and they can go from house to house to sensitize people by explaining the project, its objectives and its possible results. Finally, they have to create representation in each of the ten communes of the city of Abidjan, and these representations have to form, train and equip the citizens with skills related to environmental sustainability.  


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  • says :
    thank you all for your great insights and ideas.
    Posted 13-07-2017 19:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    First of all, thinking of and implementing such a Clean Up project by the authorities, itself is a good step towards environment conservation and sanitation for the sake of safe health and clean environment. Every program or project has teething problems and so is this campaign. I think you, your peers can help promote this program through your social media channels, school, playground. The government should publicise and spread its awareness through mass communication channels like radio, TV, newspapers. Further government/municipalities can announce incentives for the clean colonies or may be some award to motivate them and encourage others-e.g. The cleanest colony or the area gets awarded. Celebrities should also adopt the cause and promote it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 12-07-2017 17:32

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Hi Frederic ADOU, It is really nice to hear about such a big cleanup program. We have something similar here in Nigeria but ours is on the last Saturday of every month. I wonder how such a big project would not have been given much publicity or is it that the people disobeying are feigning ignorance? Well, I think more emphasis should be laid on telling the people how this project will be of benefit to them so that they do not begin to see it as another government program initiated to punish the poor.
    Fixing this exercise on the first of every month is also questionable because 1st can fall into any day of the week and if it falls on a Sunday, I wonder how enforcement would be achieved.
    Posted 08-07-2017 14:07

  • says :
    That's true Federic.a dirty environment can pose threats to healthy living.As an eco generation member,I think you can help raise awareness and why not volunteer too.we are all green ambassadors. Kudos to you.
    Posted 08-07-2017 00:46

  • says :
    Hi Frederic! Thanks for sharing your report on clean up movement in your country. As you said, motiviating citizen and engaging them is great challenge of this project. Why don't you organize some kinds of event or campaign that everyone can enjoy and easily participate? Hope more people get to know about his movement and join!
    Posted 06-07-2017 22:24

  • says :
    Okay, well. Thanks Mentor Oh
    Posted 06-07-2017 20:44

  • says :
    Frederic, thank you for your report. Cleaning up sounds simple, but is always one of the biggest challenges I believe. As you said raising awareness could lead to an effective operation. Maybe you could also inform friends or people in your neighborhood. When the project is done, you could write about it once again.
    Posted 06-07-2017 13:00

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