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Resource depletion

by | 20-07-2017 06:12 recommendations 0

In this time of our world when economic, military and political competitions of countries has grown ever fast and the human greed for wealth has lead us to the over consumption of resources, resource depletion has become a major problem. Resource depletion an environmental problem where a resource is consumed faster than it can replace itself. Although resources are either renewable or non-renewable the problem affects both even if the former is harder to affect than the later. Resource depletion is mainly an issue of greed as I see it, to consume what is and not consider the future generation. Resources such as farm land and fossil fuel are really good examples of resource depletion. Farm land and its depletion is a problem long existent before development caused a problem for the resource, even back in time during traditional farming farmers were not as concerned for the conservation of the resource that problems such as deforestation, erosion and the likes affected their lands. Fossil fuel and its depletion is a currently huge global problem, this resource affects all spheres of like (political, economic, social, and cultural), because of its ever rising demand and lack of similar substitute the resource has become a way to economic glory that countries and people have been depleting it with little consideration of the future.
This environmental hazard leads to many long term problems such as pollution, erosion, deforestation, and many more. The impacts of these problems are (if not controlled and prevented) unbearable! Taking one as an example, deforestation, the rise of CO2 gas in the atmosphere, soil erosion, loss of biodiversity are all aftermaths of the problem. This if left to accumulate will lead to unbearable problem of global warming. As my English teacher once told me, a plant that bears the seed of Tebimirs (not sure of the English name, but is used as a sweet in the Middle east, North and East Africa, and also a major part of the Ramadan meal) takes fifty years to grow, and whenever parents in the Middle East consume Tebimir for Ramadan, they plant the seed in the garden, not for next year or for their own consumption but for the future grandchildren they will have! I believe the world should also take this lesson into practice with natural resources as we don?t live just for ourselves but of the future generations as well.

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  • says :
    keep it up
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:12

  • says :
    good work thanks for sharing
    Posted 06-02-2018 21:11

  • says :
    Hi again Dawit! Thanks for sharing great report on resource deleption and its impact. So far, there was no alternatives for human to take instead of using off natural resources. But as for now, we have alternative ways to meet our needs such as renewable energies and such. Thanks again for the article!
    Posted 31-07-2017 17:38

  • says :
    Dawit, thank you for your report. The depletion of resources is definitely one of the most challenging problems we are facing today. As you have mentioned, depletion of resources leads to long term problems. Let's keep our eyes on how the world deal with the issue.
    Posted 25-07-2017 01:08

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Dawit for your heartfelt report. You have referred to the Date palm tree, called Tamer in Arabic. It is an indigenous tree in the Middle East and a blessing in the Desert. Yes, it is used by many to break the day long fast during the Holy month of Ramadan. Thanks to the tradition of local elders of planting the tree when they consume the fruit, this tree and its fruit is available in plenty even on roadsides, accessible to all.
    Posted 20-07-2017 22:59

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I enjoyed each and every line of your brief report which is written with passion and love for the environment. I fully agree with you that we should consume resources mindfully. We should take what we consume and consume what we take -this implies no wastage and just the optimum utilisation of resources.
    I love the story or practice you shared that Middle Eastern families plant one seed while they consume. This they do knowing that it will bear fruit for future generations. This is so inspiring. We must think of future generations and leave resources for them to enjoy too. Thanks for your lovely report.
    Posted 20-07-2017 21:12

  • Prayash Pathak (Chalise) says :
    Yes the future needs a sustainable resource that will be an alternative to our present use like fossil fuel and petroleum gases.
    Posted 20-07-2017 13:30

  • Razaan Abakar says :
    @Dawit, I think you mean Dates, it's an old tradition even before 1400 years ago and it still the most major fruit in Ramadan but we don't use it as meal and all thanks go to our old generations, I also hope our future generations continue to enjoy this boon and not end up seeing some of our amazing grace only in photos and magazines.

    Posted 20-07-2017 13:19

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