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The town is proclaimed

by | 31-08-2013 12:11 recommendations 0

In Colombia, in recent days have seen gears that may never had been generated in the country and have mobilized thousands. The cause? Well, you could say that there are many causes cumulative, but let's talk about one in particular, free trade agreements related to agriculture. In recent Colombian governments have supported, encouraged and finally signed such treaties with the U.S., Europe and Asia, which have brought many economic losses for farmers and rural Colombians.

The Interest under the free trade agreements, have been such that farmers are prohibited from using part of their harvest as seed, as the government forces farmers plant and manage only seeds from multinationals. In addition, they are forced to buy pesticides and fertilizers at high prices, of the same multinationals that handle the seeds. Similarly, the high costs of production, by few loan and low subsidies to the farmers, bring greatly harm to natural farming Colombia.

There is a monopoly in the agricultural sector, which cause more poverty and social inequality. Sample of this monopoly is that only "four corporations control 85% of world trade in cereals by the end of 1999"(Corporacion en Red Euro Americana para el Desarrollo sostenible, 2013). Monsanto is one of the multinational companies in Colombia, this company manages genetically engineered seeds that damages the soil, water and kills different species, such as bees, insects necessary for pollination "If bees cease to exist, the man only live four years more "(Albert Einstein). The Colombian Amazon has been poisoned by Monsanto's glyphosate for over 10 years and in spite of the many consequences and harm that bring these products to the environment and human health, they continue in Colombia.

The lack of information about the harms and risks to manage and use genetically altered and hidden interests under these treaties that are listed as benefits but they are not, bring immense implications on biodiversity, the environment and health of people, that the government is not interested in resolving, to investigate let alone regulate, is for this reason that the gears are justly. Let people speak is necessary, that people think is mandatory and people defend is essential to avoid damage that may be irreversible in the future.

The town is proclaimed

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  • says :
    sadly condition ... best luck for it !
    Posted 02-09-2013 19:04

  • says :
    sorry to hear that, thanks for sharing
    Posted 01-09-2013 16:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Sorry to hear the pathetic state of Agriculture in Columbia , All the best , May your Govt wake up to sort this out in the best interests of environment , people especially farmers & biodiversity.
    Posted 31-08-2013 21:42

  • says :
    We are experiencing the same situation in our country. We, the Filipino are still fighting for in all aspects of justice. God Bless you in your fight.
    Posted 31-08-2013 13:06

  • says :
    We are experiencing the same situation in our country. We, the Filipino are still fighting for in all aspects of justice. God Bless you in your fight.
    Posted 31-08-2013 13:05

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