The National Park "Yasuni" |
The National Park Yasuni is a really important Park for my country Ecuador and also for the world because it's the zone with more biodiversity in all the world, the national Park is 9820 square kilometers, and it's ubicated in the provinces of Pastaza, Napo, and Orellana in 1989 the UNESCO designed like a reserve of Biosphere. This park have more animals per hectare that all Europe together in 1999 one part was declared like protected zone, this protected zones are really important for the world and in this fields it cant make any extractive activity, because of the damage that can make to the nature and also for the world, losting the more biodiverse zone in the world. Also the Park have two really important indigenas communites the Tagaeri and the Taromenane, that are communities in voluntary insolation in the park we can find:
In 2007 the president of my country Ecuador, Rafael Correa in the general assembly of the United Nations, said that our country is going to maintain the reserves of 846 millions of barrels of oil in the field ITT (Tiputini-Tambococha) equivalent to the 20% of the reserves of the country If the International Community contributes financially with 3600 millions of dolars that represent the 50% of the money that our country will recive if we explote the zone. This will create a capital fund managed by UNDP,this initiative will avoid the emission of 407 million tons of CO2, the main gas that causes climate change. The 15 August of 2013 the President Rafael Correa signed the executive order number 74, repealing the Yasuni ITT Trust, its really devastating for the people in our country and there are a lot of people are on strike demanding that the country make a referendum, the president said that are going to exploit the 1% of the Park of the Zone ITT, but this is going to affect to all of the species of animals and plants that lives in the park and also to the indigenous communitys, causing the extintion of a lot of species, anfecting our country and the world. |
Oh, it's a really dangerous situation. I wish it can solved in a way to preserve its Mega-biodiversity.
Posted 06-09-2013 16:56
sadly condition found again ... :( thanks for sharing about it Jorge ..
Posted 02-09-2013 19:09
sorry ti hear that... lets take action! thanks for sharing
Posted 01-09-2013 16:20
Sad , that they decided to exploit 1% of the park.
Posted 01-09-2013 14:44
exploitation of national park is not an good decision..
Posted 01-09-2013 12:11
thanks for sharing
Posted 01-09-2013 01:28