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Industrial and Environmental Mechanism

by Ishimwe Eric Josue | 12-02-2018 07:07 recommendations 0

Hello my fellow eco-members. Hence this is my last report of this term, I would like to thank you guys for all great time we had together and amazing interaction through our reports. I wish you guys success in everything you are doing to make this world a better place. I told you guys everything we do, we create a memory. Find my small book called "insights on global ecosystem" covering all my great memories I had as 19th eco-generation ambassador. The book is available on Amazon. 

Coming to this month's topic, I've been thinking about industrial and environmental mechanism. A long Time has passed when huge number of the world's population was unemployed during industrial revolution. People were replaced by the machines. This created high unemployment rate which resulted into global crises and cold war. Politicians, Economists and different departments struggled hard to resolve that issue and we are glad to the track we are by now.

Before industrial revolution, the cost of labor was very high and their productivity was low. Compared to today's industrial situation, the cost of labor goes down and there is high productivity. The work that could be done by 100 people now can be performed by one machine and doubled the outcome than using people. This highly contributed to the economic growth. A clear example is the economies of western countries. Also Asian countries like Chine, Indonesia and Japan, their economic growth boosted after adopting industrial mechanism which goes in hand with environmental mechanism.

Industrial mechanism and Environmental mechanism is a broad concept but let us have a look on agro-mechanism. In this dimension, under environmental mechanism we have; cultivation machines which can perform 100 times the work that can be done by 10 farmers, irrigation machines which are mostly used in arid areas, drainage machines and so on. Under industrial mechanism we have, agro-processing machines which perform different tasks accordingly, for example; all machines that process and transform agro-based fresh products. We have even started to use such machines in our own homes such as juice making machines.

There are different arguments about industrial and environmental mechanism that they highly contribute to environmental worst situation, such as; rapid environmental degradation and global warming but they ignore brighter side of industrial and environmental mechanism. How do you think Russians could live under -30%? How do you think Japanese could live with Tsunami? But they managed to live under such circumstances because of industrial and environmental mechanism to find solutions for their climate and weather conditions. It is therefore important that people should understand why developed countries adopted those mechanisms although they knew about their negative effects. Instead of arguing on that issue we need to learn how we can make those mechanisms of a better use.  

The purpose of environmental and industrial mechanism is to simplify works. Environmental and Industrial mechanisms are also life solutions to some communities. Truly, most of people are not aware of environmental mechanism because they are living like they are in paradise. Environmental mechanics should be empowered so that we can boost environmental outcomes without wasting a lot of money and time, and as a solution to environmental disasters.
Industrial Revolution

IshimweEric Josue

  • Rwanda Former E-gen Ambassador Ishimwe Eric Josue
  • recommend


  • Rahul Patel says :
    we are now economically sound but at what cost...? At the cost of environment degradation. In my opinion environment is more precious or important than anything else. We can not compromise with environment for economic gain. We are not only affecting environment but me are just wasting man power increasing unemployment. Now what is its solution... this problem can be fix by mutual involvement for sustainable development.
    Posted 12-02-2018 22:41

  • says :
    Hi, Eric! Yes, it's true that the advancements in industrial and agricultural technology have made our lives easier and productivity much higher. There has always been a long feud as to which is more important: industrial advancements or preservation of the environment. In the past, these two things were opposed against each other - if you wanted one, you lost the other. Now, however, technology has gotten to the point where industrial advancements can be made in the direction of environmental protection. New environmentally-friendly technology is continuously being developed. Some is aimed at reducing the harm caused by conventional machines (such as solar powered machines, which are better for the environment than fossil fuel-using machines), some is aimed at the sole purpose of improving our environment (such as Mr. Trash Wheel, a machine that cleans trash out of water). Overall, I think the future of technology is all about making machines more environmentally friendly. Thanks for your report, and thank you for doing such a great job this term! :)
    Posted 12-02-2018 12:17

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