Plastic Waste |
by Rahul Kumar Patel | 24-03-2018 14:15
Germany recycle a lot...but so does India, they just have different methord. In Germany bring empty bottel to the store is a way of life. Thanks to the deposit system. When you purchase a drink, you pay a deposit about 9 to 30 cents per bottel in order to recoup your deposit. Where i bought the bottel they refund my deposit. In Germany the collection rate 90% for all containers correctly returned to the store and 71% of all packaging waste is recycled. India recycled 90% of plastic it produces for bottel and containers. But unlike Germany and other Western countries. The informal economy recycle plastic in India. Dirt poor pickers and recellers collect recyclable waste to send to official recycling centers. They work at the bottom of the ladder at great risk to their health for shockingly meagres incomes to perform a vital sevice to society.
Greeting rahul
I hope you are doing well
Nicely written
Thank you so much for this report.
Keep writing
Green cheers!
Posted 23-03-2020 11:05
Hello Rahul!
This report points out the differences in the method of how plastic is returned and recycled. After reading the report I thought about my own nation and concluded that we are some where between the two methods. The way how Germany does it seems great but to do so, prices of products should include the deposit expense and would result higher prices. So if this method is practiced right away, some people might feel difficult to afford the cost. Therefore, in my personal opinion, effort in reducing risk and improving conditions for the recyclable waste collectors should be done in priority. Afterwards, the government could practice such deposit system step by step!!
Thanks for the report and always am amused by your keen insight!!
Posted 24-03-2018 23:34
Recycling is good for the environment, in the sense, we are using old and waste products which are of no use and then converting them back to same new products.
Plastic Recycling helps to reduce the energy usage , It reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials , It reduces the water pollution and the air pollution (from the land filling) by reducing the need for conventional waste disposal. It also reduces the greenhouse gases emissions.
One of the important environmental benefits of recycling plastic bags and bottles is that, it saves animals, birds, and a wide range of aquatic creatures from death due to ingestion of plastic.
Both countries are doing great on recycling of wastes.
Thank you for the report. :) :)
Posted 24-03-2018 17:26