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Using recycled paper in Taiwan

by Elizaveta Zaretskaya | 13-04-2018 13:37 recommendations 0

Hi everyone! My name is Lisa Zaretskaya. I would like to draw your attention to my third report related to Using recycled paper in Taiwan.

Taiwan?s relatively high paper recycling rate of between 65 and 70 percent, compared with 60 percent in the United States (for example). The amount of paper products in Taiwan that are made of recycled paper is even higher—about 85 percent by weight—although just 5 percent of all tissue paper consumed locally is made from paper waste, a much lower figure than many developed countries. Taiwan has a good system for recycling wastepaper, especially because natural resources are especially valuable in such a small place.

 It is also more economical to use recycled paper. A metric ton of wastepaper costs about NT$5,000 (US$166), whereas the price for the same weight of imported wood pulp can reach US$750. The price gap can affect the final cost of an item considerably. I think that although other factors, including cost, affect purchasing decisions, recycled paper is becoming more accepted by an increasingly eco-conscious public. For example, it?s cheaper to use products made of recycled paper to build booths at trade shows (of course, not everything can be made of recycled paper).

So, step by step paper is receiving renewed attention as innovative businesses expand their operations to produce paper-based cultural creative items. There are a lot of potential applications for paper. Using it in unconventional ways could perhaps help create another significant market  in the future. And we can save more trees and our planet.

Thank you for your attention!


P. S. This is my painting.

my painting

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  • Dormant user Elizaveta Zaretskaya
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  • Elizaveta Zaretskaya says :
    Dear mentors, thank you very much for your kind words! I will try to do my best!
    Posted 19-04-2018 12:15

  • Elizaveta Zaretskaya says :
    Dear Aaditya, thank you very much for your comments. I appreciate it!
    Posted 19-04-2018 12:13

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Great report Lisa. Thanks for sharing your drawing with us :). I find it amazing how so much of the paper used in Taiwan is recycled paper, not only for paper pages but also for tissue paper and for making booths and stalls. I think other developed countries can take Taiwan as an example and implement the same methods into their systems.
    Posted 15-04-2018 22:16

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Lisa, nice drawing!
    Excessive paper use has been a big problem since decades ago. Theres a lot of effort and attention in reducing the amount of paper world wide so that we can save trees, and Using recycled paper really seems like a great idea to lower the rate at which paper is newly made!

    Thanks for sharing your marvelous drawing with us:)

    Posted 15-04-2018 00:06

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Elizaveta, always nice and neat report with your own masterpiece like your drawings!
    Thanks for letting us know of the factual stats about recycled paper.
    And about your reference, can you add the link below here so we can get to the access of additional info of recycled papers?
    Thanks :)
    Posted 14-04-2018 22:42

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