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by Yves SHEMA | 13-08-2018 21:32 recommendations 1

Irrigation system,  Recommendation 

Hello again dear readers of my reports, it has been a long journey but enjoyable one, reading, writing and overcoming environmental challenges in our regional countries that we represents was not easy but with you I made it.
I would like to take this time first to thank Tunza eco generation and all their co partners that really gave us this chance to develop our environmental skills through the whole term. I cannot forget you the powerful mentors, also my fellow ambassadors, great thanks from the bottom of my heart.
As you can see the topic of today I chose Irrigation system, I hope this reminds you about the research I made on Consequences of poor irrigation at RWASAVE Swap, and you are thinking may be how the reports relates?  Yes they are related, the first one was a research that made me suggest the solution on the problem of poor irrigation but this one is a recommendation that I wish to address to Tunza eco generation. As ambassadors we do what we can to overcome the environmental challenges and of course raising environmental awareness through having a critical thinking and we try to communicate through writing all our reports. But what I realized the work we do, for real have a small impact to our local regions we present. This due to that even 90% that read our reports is our fellow ambassadors. Ooh you are saying how do you know? Yes I do, it is an approximation I did after trying to check 100 comments on 50 different reports, all the comments only 10 per cent was from non ambassador people. This does not mean that the work we do is not important to our people but it needs to be more effective.
Here it comes again to my irrigation system report. The research I made was really helpful but I would like to inform you that nothing the district has done yet on POOR IRRIGATION AT RWASAVE SWAP yet I addressed my report to the leaders. Let us think, what if Tunza eco generation, as an international cooperation had a program of giving some grants to the effective projects so that the ambassadors can implement easily what is in their reports, without struggling  pushing some leaders to do what they do not even understand really, because not all readers that are green lovers.
Since august is an open month for us, I am not going to make a conclusion but each and everyone is open in the comment to tell me how he/she thinks about this. Thanks again dear TUNZA, MENTORS, and POWERFULL FELLOWS AMBASSADORS.

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  • Dormant user Yves SHEMA
  • recommend


  • Yves SHEMA says :
    You are welcome #Joon
    Posted 18-08-2018 01:51

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Thanks for your compliments! Keep up with your works as always, believe in your faith!
    Posted 17-08-2018 22:44

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    Thanks so much
    Gyeongrin ,you have so kind to me too
    Posted 17-08-2018 06:22

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    Thank you dear, Jon Ho, yeah you have been a great mentor anyway. Your inspiring comments really pushed me hard to work more for save the green planet. It was not easy but with a mentor like you, I didn't lost my line.
    Posted 17-08-2018 06:21

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Yves, surprised to know that you were checking all the comments with people who wrote it! Hope your 20th E-gen regional ambassador term and its mission helped you a lot in your career development and making your projects in environment conservation field.
    Thanks for sharing your private and priceless idea about irrigation system amendment, and keep up with your work in a creative way!
    Posted 17-08-2018 00:00

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Yves
    I do remember the report on RWASAVE Swap and was greatly inspired by the ideas that were in it. However, as the report points out, it is true that practical implementation has its own hardship. But still, let us not lose hope!
    Always thanks for amazing works :)
    Posted 16-08-2018 15:56

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    Thank you Kapur
    Posted 14-08-2018 18:26

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Yves, you are doing a great job! The district authorities will definitely respond positively. Please do not lose hope. Our best wishes for a greener future.
    Posted 14-08-2018 13:16

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    Thanks Natasha
    Posted 14-08-2018 06:36

  • Natasha Singh says :
    I really enjoyed reading this article. I thought it was a fresh take on the power of youth.
    Posted 14-08-2018 03:36

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    You are welcome Abuba! Yeah sure, I did wrote that but nothing done or no answer till now and its been 6 months, I was wondering, what if Tunza create that program of giving grants to the projects done by their ambassador during their term. So that we implement what we always write in our reports.
    Posted 13-08-2018 23:01

  • BONFACE OBUBA says :
    Thanks, Yves for your contribution in making the world a greener place. I just want to understand, did you write a proposal to your district on poor irrigation
    Posted 13-08-2018 22:39

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