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Integrated Pest Management: An alternative to synthetic Chemicals

by Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 19-08-2018 11:47 recommendations 0

It is comprehensive approach to pest manipulation that uses a combined means to reduce the status of pests to tolerable level while maintaining a quality environment. IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms. It is environmentally friendly, economically viable and socially justice approach for pest management.
Integrated pest management is a pest population management system that utilizes all suitable techniques in a compatible manner to reduce pest populations and maintain them at levels below those causing economic injury.
Integrated focus on interactions of pests, crops, control methods, and the environment rather than on individual weeds, insects, or diseases. This approach considers all available tactics and how they fit in with other agricultural practices. Pest is a species that conflicts with our profit, health, or convenience. If a species does not exist in numbers that seriously affect these factors, it is not considered a pest.
Advantages to IPM
 Decreased use of chemical application will reduce risks to the health of staff members.
 Decreased use of chemical application will reduce the risk of deterioration and disfigurement of holdings.
 Decreased use of chemical application may result in a financial savings.
 The environmental improvements made to the facility to implement an IPM program will enhance the long-term stability of the holdings over and above protection against pests.
IPM may be the only solution to some long-term pest problems where chemical application has not worked.
 IPM ultimately allows the institution to have greater control over and knowledge of pest activity in their facility.
 IPM is the pest management technique of choice for major institutions.
 Low risk of environmental pollution and health hazards.
 Conservation and effective use of natural enemies of the pests.
 Eco-friendly and as a sustainable long term olution to pest management.
 No Phytotoxicity, young seedlings and premature abortion of flowers and fruits.
 Planning in advance and timely management of pests of economic importance.
 Creation of environment of selective pesticide and method to reduce pesticide application.
Disadvantages to IPM
 IPM will require more staff, time than traditional pest management, even if implementation is contracted to a pest management company.
 IPM will require the coordinated effort of all staff members to properly implement.
 IPM may initially be more expensive than traditional pest management.
 Many farmers lack basic knowledge on the pests, their ecology and biology.
Problem in the transfer of technology because of farmer's illiteracy.
 Ipm efforts are nullified by chemicals control practices.

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  • Dormant user Prayash Pathak (Chalise)
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello prayash

    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report

    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 12-05-2020 18:46

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Prayash, procedural inspection and decisive process upon such an integrated management system will definitely make out a great result.
    Being conscious about certain factors and to be precise about it would decrease the time to solve original pesticide problems.
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 23-08-2018 23:27

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Prayash
    With an integrated management system, it gets easier to consider the carious factors that concerns the pest problem and lead to better results compared to the original pesticide use.
    By this report, we can also assume that such integrated methods are also needed in other environmental issues too!
    Thanks for the informative report :)
    Posted 21-08-2018 20:43

  • Ayazhan Salmenova says :
    Catnip also works great to keep away insects, of course if you don't mind cats
    Posted 19-08-2018 20:24

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