Impacts of Climate Change in Agriculture |
by Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 19-08-2018 11:59
Direct impacts from Climate change to Agriculture: 1) Increased variability in weather 2) Extreme conditions 3) Sea level rise & surge – inundating & ruining coastal agricultural lands 4) CO2 fertilization Indirect impacts on Agriculture: 1) Changing crop-weed competition dynamics 2) Range changes of pests & pathogens i) Expanded range predicted for many pathogens ii) Less-cold winters allow increase in pests iii) Different range changes between pests & pathogens and natural controls 3) Decreased biodiversity in natural ecosystems •The enhanced greenhouse effect can bring about climate change •While CO2 is the major cause, methane, nitrous oxide also contribute. •Farmers are not innocents in this process but add to the GHGs themselves •Climate change is having a variety of impacts on the world: –Rising temperatures in many places –Changing precipitation patterns, with some places getting wetter and some drier –Extreme events: high winds, heavy rain, drought –Rising sea level brought on by melting icecaps and warming oceans –Rising levels of CO2 which may in some circumstances improve crop yields. The impacts on farming without action are mostly negative: –Hotter and drier places will produce less –As in these places the soil will become poorer –Places liable to saltwater flooding will become unproductive. –Warmer and wetter places are more likely to suffer from disease, lowering the yield. But some benefit like this can also be obtained: –Places in the higher latitudes (nearer the poles) are getting a longer growing season and so can produce more and different things than they have managed before. |
Hello prayash
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 12-05-2020 18:47
Hello Prayash, the biggest problem that is triggered by climate change is reduction of total food production and decrease in arable land. As you may have known, it has been such a chronic problem to the people living in barren land. Thanks for mentioning such issue with us, we could learn more about it!
Posted 23-08-2018 23:33
Hello Prayash
Climate change affects various fields but we could say that agriculture is the biggest target as its result sways by the weather. With changes in the annual temperature, available crop species has changed bringing confusion to numerous farmers. More actions should be taken to reduce the amount of CO2 emission.
Thanks for the report!
Posted 21-08-2018 20:49
Korea has large agriculture market and their products are always on family's dinner table. Climate change will decrease the number of crops that grows every year. This will also bring extreme price increase.
Posted 20-08-2018 00:03
Thanks for the report Prayash. Climate change is truly a subject that is getting more and more important to talk about because of the lack of action to solve it. Even in Austria (where i live), there have been many agricultural impacts due to climate change. There has been major drought and shortfall in agricultural production.
Posted 19-08-2018 23:27
It is alright Prayash. Thanks for the insights on the impact of climate change on Agriculture.
Posted 19-08-2018 16:31
Sorry about the smaller fonts at the bottom mates..
Posted 19-08-2018 12:00