"Plastic free zones" by GAYO |
by Isaac Abugri | 19-08-2018 20:05
Obviously the scourge of plastic contamination is presently at an unsurpassed high, as countries experience danger postured by plastic waste on the ocean, arrive and in plasticized natural pecking orders. Squander administration systems have ended up being just for the nonappearance of a superior alternative as scientists specify "just 9% of all plastics at any point disposed of since 1950 have been reused. The rest stays in the common habitat as a toxin" Reusing isn't sufficient, we require maintainable ways of life. In any case, the real issue is that; the dialect of a great many people appears to have turned out to be more eco-accommodating yet without a doubt activities have not changed
By this venture, Green Africa Youth Organization is giving a financially savvy chance to foundations, organizations and people to put their words and wishes into action.Plastic-free zones is a package that eliminates one-time used plastics, ensures waste separation at source and help you limit your waste generation, whether by the food you eat or the water you drink. This is done through instituting proper waste management approaches for communities and families. These communities are encouraged to be sensitive in generating waste and to obtain compost from their organic waste whereas the plastic waste is segregated for GAYO to be recycled or repurposed The package comes with a portable reusable bowl as against the one-time used Styrofoam packs, a set of reusable cutlery made from steel and a biodegradable reusable water bottle. This directly will influence lifestyles as communities will declare themselves ?Single Used Plastic Free Zones? and encourage others to follow. |
Thanks to you all
Posted 24-08-2018 05:30
Hello Isaac, another introduction of GAYO's marvelous work results!
Nice planning and task management always make such a great result :)
Thanks for introducing them again to us!
Posted 23-08-2018 23:40
Hello Isaac
I remember GAYO being mentioned in the previous report!
With front runners like GAYO,s surly more people will take this problem in notice, leading to more participation. The most important point seems to be the 'gathering attention' so that more people could feel the responsibility to our environment.
Thanks for the report
Posted 21-08-2018 21:03
Great work by GAYO. Let's beat plastic.
Posted 20-08-2018 05:07
I think it is good that people are trying to reduce the usage of plastic, since plastic takes the largest amount in all of our waste.
Posted 19-08-2018 23:59
Well written Isaac. It is always inspiring to see how organisations like GAYO are raising campaigns such as these plastic free zones. I believe that once this is implemented in 1 community, others will get wind of the movement and will follow suit soon enough.
Posted 19-08-2018 23:08
That's so true. But I believe when there are policies enacted and enforced, they would have no choice
Posted 19-08-2018 20:31
This is great, but the problem is in big corporations who won't use eco-friendly materials.
Posted 19-08-2018 20:19