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Ozone Layer Depletion: one of the root causes of green house effect

by shamim ahmed mridha | 28-09-2018 02:22 recommendations 1

 Ozone layer was first discovered by two French physicist charles Fabry & Henri Buisson. The ozone layer is the layer of earth's atmosphere that has relatively high amount of ozone located at the lower part of stratosphere. Ozone is the unstable form of oxygen & created by natural process such as ultraviolet radiation in the upper atmosphere & lightening. It takes a very important role & protects us from the harmful ultraviolet light UV-B. 

 CFC gas takes the main responsibility for ozone layer depletion. It creates hole in ozone layer. That's why UV-B can enter into the world which  too harmful for human & plants and other molecular species as well. It creates skin cancer, eye problems, harmful diseases etc. Even it is one of the main reason of rising temperature & Global Warming. Due to the technological advancement, the amount of carbon-dioxide & other greenhouse gasses are also increasing. It traps huge amount of energy as well & increases the temperature of the earth. Marine environment uses huge amount of carbon-dioxide & make a balance of carbon cycle.  Ultraviolet radiation hampers the process of plant's photosynthesis & it decreases carbon-dioxide absorbing capacity of marine plankton & plant species. That's why the amount of carbon increases in the atmosphere & creates Global warming. It also hampers in food chain as well as the ecology of marine environment. 

 Montreal protocol was established in 1987 which aimed to protect ozone layer by decreasing the uses of CFC gasses. Bangladesh signed the Montreal protocol in 1990 & started reducing the uses of CFC. By the report of 2013, The consumption of ozone depleting substance in Bangladesh was 64.9 ODP tons & it is decreasing day by day, so it is a very positive news for us. 

 A group of student of Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) visited Bangladesh Meteorological Department recently & took practical experiences about climate & weather pattern. It proves that, students have clean interest about climate change, global warming, ozone layer depletion & other environmental issues as well in Bangladesh. So, i think, we can hope for a better planet, can't we?
Me with my group in Bangladesh meteorological Department

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  • Dormant user shamim ahmed mridha
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  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Shamin, thanks for introducing such a nice team and management plan to us. Though it is simply a small part of the overall environmental problems and issues that we share, we need to keep ourselves focused on ozone depletion.
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 01-10-2018 21:25

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey There Shamim!

    So many people and organisations have contributed to the understanding of our ozone layer and the seriousness for its protection! Thank you so much for sharing this insight with us and enlightening us on this regard.

    Greatly appreciated Shamim!
    Posted 29-09-2018 02:29

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Shamin!
    It is nice to know that BUP students took their time to visit the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, as this shows that students are taking interest in the current climate issues and these interest will eventually lead to the voluntary effort to mitigate the problem!
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 29-09-2018 00:20

  • Sumit Chowdhury says :
    Thanks for the information regarding Ozone player depletion. I hope this environmental enthusiasts of BUP, will be a change maker in future for safeguarding our climate.
    Posted 28-09-2018 15:53

  • Anna Kovbasniuk says :
    Thank you for historical information about the Ozone Layyer.
    Interesting report!
    Posted 28-09-2018 05:02

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