Pollutant particulates borne South African air |
by Xolani Mnisi | 28-09-2018 17:23
The Republic of South Africa (RSA), profoundly known as Africa?s most industrialised in worlds ?economic eye?, has become a victim of toxicity, lately. This follows the ongoing course of pollution which result for air toxicity-for both human, living and eco-biological system. This ripple effect produced foundation from host industrial base provinces conducting mining, manufacturing and recycling plant operations. The scourge has extended to an extent that most of all the respective provinces are effected aswell. Reviewing from conducted research and formulated investigation; it is found that corporate conducts are more of main cause of air pollution than those compared to human practices conformed towards nature practices contributed. South African gold, platinum, manganese, especially coal mining companies are major contributors in this regard. Due to the high number of reserves within the Mpumalanga province, a hefty investment in open cast coal mining is maintained by mining and petrochemical firms, notably Anglo American plc, Acerlor Mittel, Sasol to name a few. Thus, the mining practices and processes performed are non-sustainable amid production. The techniques and methods applied during and throughout are mismanaged and intolerant to human and natural ecosystem. Dates, major essential resource reserves; water streams, wetlands, soil, flora & fauna vegetation have been affected. This is attributable to the socio-economic, health and governance stability patterns portrayed within the image of community people residing nearby those respective areas. Though cases range, these parties are prone, carrying burden of health-related sicknesses cases reported in public hospitals and clinics, those mostly concerning respiratory system infection: asthma, bronchitis, and in times feature those communicable- tuberculosis, influenza. It further escalates consequences to locomotory(skeletal) system effect- meningitis particularly. The particulate emitted into the air contain toxic chemicals which violate its quality. Subsistence and commercial farms are mostly effected parties as toxicity engulfs within the natural mineral soil, faltering food, supply, quality and vitamins required in human body. Communities resort to social tensions, embarking upon strikes, protests and other social instability actions as response for better living conditions demands. This has direct effect and impact upon tourism towns, manufacturing and logistic resulting backlog upon socio-economic growth and development to local economic development. Natural vegetation and water spring resources are hampered and interrupted in growth and supply due times. National and Provincial governments have set reformative measures and mechanisms, ensuring transparent production procedures. Corporates, mining and industrial, to adopt technological and scientific sets in order to prevent and mitigate pollution risks. Pledging to Corporate Social Investment and Responsibility is another element. Strategies for human practices were also outlined and introduced; enforced though legal frameworks and policy implementations. These are to regulate community residents to be conservation tolerant and relevant-abstaining refuse, plastic and bottle burning. However, various plans and actions by civil, lobby and interest groups have accounted initiatives and campaigns to alleviate air pollution. |
Thank for report
Posted 30-09-2018 01:17
Hello Xolani
The growth of the industry is important but without regulation, it could bring danger to the environment. As mining is quite often mentioned with this topic there really seems to need a strict and documented regulation that can actually keep an eye on the resulting pollution and also the health conditions of the workers!
Thanks for the report :)
Posted 30-09-2018 00:49
Hi Xolani!
Truely, South Africa has proven time. E and again to be the economic resource hub for gold, iron and manganese just to name a few but all these resources have brought about pollution to the highest degree.
I remember when the main cause of miners suffering from mining activities used to be silicosis, but now so many other repucussions have now raised.
With continued initiatives from NGOs and environmental sectors (public or private) the mediation of air pollution will be established.
Thank you for your report!
Posted 29-09-2018 02:26