Policy/policies I would like to establish for my nation |
by Dibya Bhatta | 25-10-2018 22:46
May it be plastic bottle or chocolate wrapper or biscuit cover I keep it in my bag and dispose in my on bin when ever Iam travelling home or university.it gets into my nerves whenever I see people throwing their wastes out of the window pane from the moving vehicle.The wrappers are scatteres everywhere in the road making the highway dirty.So far there is no policy to restrict it So If I at some point of time reach there I will restrict these mal practices and design vehicles than have bins in them.The other things that annoy me most is the old vehicles with huge energy conssumption and heavy emission still in town.So I want to see them all replaced by modern low consuming and vehicles using renewable energy source! :)
other policies I would institutionalize are: !.green belt of vegetation along the roadside 2.NO smoking in the vehicles or in the bus stops 3.establishment of industries away from settlement area 4.Plantation program to often in barren land. 5.land bank for the needy for establishment of healthy environment secure food. 6.use your own eco bag for shopping and say no to plastic 7.grow organic and eat organic and say no to pesticides 8.Use Organic pest management techniques 9.promote bio enginnnering methods for soil conservation 10.promote conservation of flora and faina in their own natural habitat. the list dont end here many points can be added as per the need and these are just the simple things that are already in our policy but never institutionlaize so I would make them in to effect if I get that wonderful chance to form policies!! :) The simple things are the most powerful things so lets starts with what we have and where we are!!lets not blame our policies but form our own ecofriendly policy for ourselves!! :) green cheers!! #long live ecogeneration!! :)
Thank you for your comments
Posted 25-11-2018 18:40
These are great policies and they can apply everywhere in the world.
Posted 12-11-2018 20:25
Hello Dibya, I can see how you used to think about surrounding environment and overall social aspects in your country!
Changing acknowledgment level of people is the most efficient way of promoting movement in the society, leading to establish better policies or revise the past policies.
Hope educational support and development of acknowledgment level among people get successfully carried out for better future :)
Posted 30-10-2018 15:40
Hello Dibya
Old vehicles really should be encouraged and proposed to be replaced into low consuming cars and it would be even nicer if policies could actively aid and suggest this.
Every greatness starts from the smallest interest and your list seems to be a good guideline to it!
Thanks for sharing :)
Posted 30-10-2018 00:19
thank you for your beautiful comments!! ::)
Posted 27-10-2018 01:22
Dibya dd! Certainly these smallest things can sum up into beautiful environment but if it??s gone inversely then it is not less than calamities.
Posted 27-10-2018 00:41
Nice report! :)
Keep it up.
Posted 26-10-2018 23:39
Hey Dibya!
I do the exact same thing. I see no put of disposing plastic, or any other waste item fir that matter, anywhere other than the dustbin. In so saying, many of the listed policies you have mentioned are quite objective, and can be implemeted. It takes time, but with perseverance it can be done.
Thank you once again for reporting!
Posted 26-10-2018 00:51