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Empowering Youths

by Kushal Naharki | 08-02-2019 14:39 recommendations 0

Change occurs when we tend to bring change in other along with ourself. Change begins from us. With the various Politicial, Envronmental and Social Problems surrounding us, we must lead towards the sustainable future with possible optimistic change that we can bring in the society. I have always believed in empowering youths and children so that we can be together to create a successful future and as a EcoGneration Regional Ambassador to Nepal, I have always worked on to achieve it.


My Friend Shikshya Parajuli has a stall on the festival during the festival of Lamahi which was held from 3rd Magh to 16th Magh . There she presented about the bonsai making , kitchen gardening , fish cum pig cum banana farming, vertical gardening and drip irrigation. I had met with her at a conference in Lamjung and we had discussion about the plastic pollution being as a major problem and the various environmental issues. I had also provided her with the Tunza Goods so that she can use it. Since , she was as  stall during a festival where she could meet thousand of new individuals each day, I encouraged here to utilize this platform more. As we has discussed about the plastic pollution during more meeting, So I encouraged her to aware people about reuse, reduce and recycle of cycle. I feel glad that I encouraged and motivated her so she could aware more people during the festival as more people need to be engaged, empowered and awared.

 Shikshya Photo

during festivalMy friends Pukar Shrestha and Rachu Khanal along with my support have started a new platform called Raise Your Voice in Chitwan which is a platform for the youths to raise a voice. They have recently conducted the first motivational session. We are also soon planning to launch a session on environment where we can empower more youths and provide them the platform to raise their eco voice.

 Raise Your Voice

We must act together to bring a change. With so many problems surrounding us, we must take take responsibility to bring the change. Our small act can too have a great impact in the society. Lets all act together and act now to empower the youths and children around us, motivate and inspire them.

Together We Can


Promoting Tunza EcoGenerationDuring Festival


  • Nepal Youth Kushal Naharki
  • recommend


Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    They have learnt alot and they have planned for next meeting too so that they can learn more and know more about environment and the programs they can conduct.
    Thank you mentors for your comment :) :)
    Green Cheers :)
    Posted 12-02-2019 11:23

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Kushal, hope 'Voice in Chitwan' can bring a sustainable standard in local community and let people try to get fixed upon it.
    And special thanks to your friend in booth campaign, she must have learned a lot about importance of regional environment conservation too!
    Posted 12-02-2019 09:55

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thanks Faith. Indeed together we can and bring a sustainable future. Green Cheers :) :)
    Posted 09-02-2019 11:25

  • Faith Cherotich says :
    Inspiring how you have given your friend Shikshya great support and encouraged her to spread awareness. This is empowering. I love that your friends have also created their own platform that empowers the youth too. Indeed, together we can!
    Posted 09-02-2019 05:23

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you Dai.
    She is indeed doing a great job awaring people about plastic pollution and I feel glad to inspire and motivate to those activities.
    Green Cheers :) :)
    Posted 08-02-2019 15:13

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Kushal,
    She is really doing great job
    As you said she will promote Tunza Eco Generation, I hope she will truly do this job
    Thank very for your report :)
    Posted 08-02-2019 14:50

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