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Pre Environment Day Celebration

by Bwalya Bwalya | 01-06-2019 21:51 recommendations 1

The day we were tirelessly preparing for was a huge success. We had a lot of students and people from all works of life in attendance.. The day was celebrated under the theme : "Combating Air Pollution For A Clean , Green and Healthy Zambia." . We used various activities to spread the message.. Among these were drama, songs, poems and presentations. Furthermore, we had alot of exhibitions as well. Besides this, media covered the event . Later on, we had a radio presentation on pollution.

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  • Dormant user Bwalya Bwalya
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Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Bwalya

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Pre Environment Day Celebration.
    Congratulations on the successful event.
    Keep up with your great works. Keep inspiring youth and children

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 17-06-2019 05:55

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Bwalya

    Thank you for sharing your valuable experience with us! It seems that the celebration on pre environment day has been successful. Celebrating environmental anniversaries and holding environmental events are the best way to raise the awareness of pollution. Keep up the good work!

    Wonhee Mentor

    Posted 03-06-2019 21:48

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Bwalya!

    The pictures looks amazing! I can see that you guys had a really good time and the event was a complete success! It is very important that youth carry out these roles in society as they are the driving force to chnage in the environmental field.

    Once again, well done to the wok you put forward! I wish you all the very best for the next event you set!

    Warm regards,
    Posted 03-06-2019 20:35

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello bwalya
    Environment day...june 5 is just a representative day. We have to incline towards environment conservation every day.
    It's very great to know about your pre environment day celebration.
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers!
    Posted 03-06-2019 13:45

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    Hello Bwalya, I see this was a great day- thanks for sharing, courage
    Posted 02-06-2019 16:59

  • Prashamsa Bhusal says :
    Great idea about Pre Environment Day Celebration!
    Go green!!
    Posted 02-06-2019 15:24

  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Bwalya,

    Thank you for writing and sharing Pre Environment Day Celebration with us. I hope your message was widely spread and it will definitely have substantial impact on everyone. Please keep up with your good work, and believe it will make huge impact! :)

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 02-06-2019 00:44

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