[Book Review] Books that Every Child Should Read. |
by Rosa Domingos | 04-06-2019 15:52 0 |
I don't think it is ever too early to teach little ones about nature and the things they can do to protect the environment. So below, I listed these books that gently explain how precious our planet is and what we can all do to safeguard it and make a difference...
Here we go... The Big Green Book - Fred Pearce If you are looking for a book that seemingly connects the world around them and the environment, then this book is definitely for you. (Penguin, 2019). Difficult words that children would not understand, such as ¡®carbon footprint¡¯, ¡®ice caps¡¯, ¡®global warming¡¯ and ¡®pollution¡¯ are explored in this books, it is also filled with crafty pop-ups and flaps full of information, moreover, it also shows readers the manner in which they can help the children. Topsy and Tim: Go Green - Jean Adamson What would make a child want to create change? If it fits in to their environment! This is what Topsy and Tim (otherwise known as Twintasic) as all about. In their adventure, they realise how much pollution and rubbish actually plagues the Earth and this makes them truly unhappy. This is when their Mother intervenes so as to show them the different ways they could save their environment by recycling. This book is great for opening a dialogue about the importance of the environment and also guide them to understanding the current status quo. The book is a wonderful aide to initiate the talk about the environment, with this well-loved pair who can help guide children through their first experiences (Penguin, 2019). Superfrog and the Big Stink - Michael Foreman Upon knowing that his pond has been severely polluted by the city, a frog by the name ¡®Superfrog¡¯ jumps into action! In this illustration, a serious tale of pollution and littering is brought up and it helps broaden the minds of every young reader. One World - Michael Foreman The story is narrated on a brother and sister who play rock pool on a beach. This story is called ¡®One World¡¯ . In the book, the young duo took out creatures and plants from the natural pool to create their own little world in their bucket. But by doing this, they saw that there was nothing left in the rock pool but a slick of oil, that is when they realised how their actions impacted everything else. This illustrated a lesson about pollution and how fragile our interconnected world really is. This is a book that really places emphasis on the world of nature protection(Penguin, 2019). Charlie and Lola: Look after your planet Charlie and Lola - the much adored duo from The book challenges the issue of recycling. This time Lola, is clearing up her bedroom. Her older brother Charlie explains that ¡®if we don't use things again, in the end we will just run out of everything¡¯. He also encourages his sister to inspire her whole class as well. This book a good read for children, with some ¡®green promises¡¯ inside to get them started (Penguin, 2019). Refernce list: Penguin. 2019. 7 books to help teach children about the environment https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/children/2017/7-books-to-help-teach-children-about-the-environment/.
Greetings Rosa
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Keep writing
Green cheers
Posted 15-03-2020 16:44
Hi Kushal!
Thank you for reading up on my report! You are right, it is very important to consider the young children is such issues so as to tech them at an early stage on the issues of climate chnage. Seeing that you mentioned that you have campaigns focusing on children as well, I would like to see tat in your reports! That would really be exciting!
Thank you so much for commenting too!
With gratitude,
Posted 18-06-2019 22:51
Hi Mentor Louis!
Thank you so much for your response. I have taken your recommendation to heart and changed the report so as to phase out plagiarism. I thought that paraphrasing, in-text referencing and text referencing I would not be subjected to being under plagiarism, but I see that it was not the case.
Thank you so much for reading my report!
Warm regards,
Posted 18-06-2019 22:47
Hi Mentor Wonhee!
Thank you so much for your response. I have taken you advice to high regard and I have modified the entire report so as to phase out plagiarism.
I will write two more reports on books that I have read and would recommend for our readers.
Thank you once again for the recommendation!
Warm regards,
Posted 18-06-2019 22:44
Hello Rosa
Thank you so much for listing us the books related to environment. With the increasing concern of the people over environment, people has definitely increased their likeness to read environmental books.I too believe learning should start with the small age about the environment too and definitely sharing the list with the children during my campaigns and programs too,
We are eager to read more reports from you partner.
Green Cheers :)
Kushal Naharki
Posted 16-06-2019 03:40
Hi Rosa,
Thank you for writing this report and I see there are many books that talks about the how we should protect the earth and environments in your report! As Wonhee mentor clearly pointed out, it seems that this report is nearly the same with the one from external source. We strongly recommend you to rewrite this report into your own words. Otherwise, this report will not be counted as proper submission.
Louis Mentor
Posted 10-06-2019 01:07
Hello Rosa!
Thank you for sharing us a list of books that explain how the earth and environments should be protected. However, even though you have paraphrased a few words, it seems that this report is nearly the same with the one from external source. Could you please rewrite this report and introduce a book that you have read and you think is recommendable?
Wonhee Mentor
Posted 08-06-2019 22:06