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(Program Review) Experience as 22nd Regional Ambassador Ambassador - Part 1

by Kushal Naharki | 08-08-2019 19:11 recommendations 0

My Journey with Tunza has been such wonderful that words might just not be enough be express my emotions and feeling. Joining Tunza EcoGeneration as Member to completing one year term as Regional Ambassador to Nepal and in this term working as Regional Ambassador to Journey, I would like to thank Tunza EcoGeneration Team, Respected Mentors, fellow ambassadors and all EcoGeneration members. This journey has been inspirational to youths and children and I feel glad to be among the eco leader with this amazing platform.

My experience as EcoGeneration Experience as 21st Eco Gen Regional Ambassador:


Experience as 20th Eco Gen Regional Ambassador:


My Initiatives and Campaigns:


During my term as 23rd EcoGeneration Ambassador to Asia, I conducted different programs along with continuing my previous campaigns. Some of my programs during this term are:

Earth Hour 2019

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement encouraging people to turn off electric lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet. This year, I had my board exam going on but how could I be away from celebrating such a huge event. I had the exam of Communication next day. So, We turned off the light and discussed on how communication can impact on the environmental communication. If we can effectively communicate with the people and share our view, we can create more awareness.

 Earth Hour

GMOs and Its Impact on Environment: Workshop by Ambassasdor

As a Regional Ambassador to Asia, I along with the support of Youth Thinkers¡¯ Society Lamjung conducted Model United Nation Workshop and Mock Session at Lamjung Campus on 4th and 7th April . The discussion on the workshop was focused on the agenda ¡°Utilization of Genetically Modified Foods in the Fight Against Hunger¡±. More than 40 enthusiastic students¡¯ youths participated in the workshop and their views on the use and effects of GMOs representing themselves as delegates of various countries. Among the various ongoing debates worldwide in Agriculture ¡°Use of GMOs¡± is always top listed. Some countries have adopted them while rests are skeptic about it and its adverse effect.

 Workshop Organizer Team

Lamjung Model United Nations 2019

Lamjung Model United Nations 2019, the fourth iteration of Lamjung MUN was organized by Youth Thinkers¡¯ Society- Lamjung, with US Embassy, Youth Thinkers¡¯ Society and Obifert as supporting partners and Hotel Gateway Himalayan resort as hospitality partner. The 3 day event was held in Lamjung from 26-28th June, 2019 with the participation of 65 youths from all 7 provinces of Nepal with a major objective of youth empowerment in the field of Sustainable Development Goals on three different agendas. I worked as Secretary General of the event. As Secretary General of Lamjung MUN 2019 and Regional Ambassador to Tunza EcoGeneration, I utilized this event as a platform for the promotion of Tunza EcoGeneration. As it was youth event, with the aim to aware youths about the platform of Tunza EcoGeneration and aware them environmentaaly, Tunza Souvenir were provided to the participants. The Tunza Pencils, Pen, Sticky Notepad, Rural and Leaflet were provided to the participants along with the stationary for the event. Youths were highly interested to join this amazing platform knowing about it and were highly motivated towards keeping their environment clean and green.

 Opening ceremony

World Environment Day 2019

Celebrating World Environment Day 2019 As Regional Ambassador to Asia for Tunza EcoGeneration, I organized World Environment Day Creative Challenge which was a online campaign to promote Tunza EcoGeneration and involve youth in environmental activism along with awaring people on the ways to celebrate world environment day and ways to beat air pollution. Many enthusiastic youths participated in the event. I will be sharing the details about the program in my next report.

I also planted trees in my nearby surrounding. Planting trees are the best way to beat air pollution. As my home is near highway, planting trees beside the highway plays much more important role. I also celebrated the day with the awareness campaign on beating air pollution.

Planting a tree
Me during Lamjung Model United Nations


  • Nepal Youth Kushal Naharki
  • recommend


Kushal Naharki

  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Kushal,

    Thank you for your report, and I had written my comment in your part 2 report. Thanks :)

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 19-08-2019 00:23

Kushal Naharki

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Kushal

    Thank you for being one of the most active members of Tunza EcoGeneration. On every single environmental dates, you've been an enthusiastic supporter. Also, as you shared all the details of the campaigns and programs you organized, your reports must have been great motivation to other regional ambassadors.
    Keep up the good work and thank you for all the effort that you've put in writing this report!

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 13-08-2019 15:42

Kushal Naharki

Kushal Naharki

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Kushal!

    I hope you are well today my fellow ambassador!

    In all the terms as being an ambassador I really seen you grow from term-to-term and I've been even more inspired and dedicated as an ambassador to contact my work as diligently and has thoughtfully as you have conducted throughout all your terms as an ambassador. Thank you for all the amazing work you put into your report for your campaigns and your comments I truly would like to see you continue as an ambassador in the coming times to come.

    Thank you so much for the effort that you have put in writing this report I enjoyed reading this so much and I hope to read more of your work in the coming future!

    Keep on holding the Fort Kushal!
    With gratitude,
    Ms Domingos
    Posted 12-08-2019 20:22

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello kushal dai
    Your works are unexplainable and your dedication is highly appreciable.
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 11-08-2019 19:32

Kushal Naharki

  • Nishan kc says :
    Dear Kushal Brother,

    Nice reading : Enjoyed a lot
    The great thing that fascinates me is the innovative ideas during Earth Hour 2019 that you had off the lights and just realize how communication can be effective

    Just wow and wow works and initiatives!!

    Posted 10-08-2019 12:15

Kushal Naharki

  • SANDIP PAUDEL says :
    Salute brother for your job.
    Posted 09-08-2019 02:23

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