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[Hello to TUNZA Relay 4 #: Hello it¡¯s Bal]

by Bal krishna Pandey | 14-12-2019 02:07 recommendations 2

Hello, it¡¯s me Bal Krishna Pandey,23rd regional ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation representing Nepal. I am here with my ¡®relay introduction¡¯. Sorry for late response, I had to fulfill some commitments. I feel lucky to run project Heal the Planet, Cut The Plastics (project HPCP) as an ambassador of TEG. It¡¯s quite fun and tricky to make my relay report. I do suggest all members to be part of this.

1. Acrostic poem

Bal, a boy in a pace of nature transforming to a man
Adjusts in focus when life seems blurry
Love to listen whisper of Nature, learn to transfer positivity.

2. Hashtag

#public_speaking: it has always been my subject of making new social connections. It helps me building credibility. Overcoming fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. It has helped me to think critically. I have hosted events of our college. I have run awareness programs on school.

public speaking

#Solo_travelling: Solo travelling is the best way to be lost and found at the same time. Nepal is one of the best place to visit and everywhere you can travel to be dissolved in naturePoon hill trek is the best solo travelling I have ever done.


#Friendship:  I am extrovert and easy going guy; so it¡¯s easy for me to become familiar with new circle. I am engaged in couch surfing, where I can meet new friends from across the globe. Through this I have met different kinds of people n my home from Mexico, Taiwan, China, Paraguay, Czech, France, India, Belarus, Latvia, Chile, Argentina and many more.


3. Environmental issue that I have passion for: Unsustainable Harvesting 
Unsustainable harvesting, including hunting, trapping, fishing and logging, is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity.

4. Social Networking Service(SNS)
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/balkrishna.pandey111                                        https://www.facebook.com/projecthpcp/

public speakingsave nature showing

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  • Dormant user Bal krishna Pandey
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings Bal Krishna dai
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    It's awesome! Photos are also amazing
    I hope to read more reports from you
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 29-01-2020 01:38

  • Lisa Mentor says :
    Hey Bal!!
    Yay finally!!
    I have been waiting long for someone to keep up the Tunza relay.
    Thanks for bringing this up!!!!

    Ooh Solo traveling!!
    I have always wanted to try this out but haven't had a chance yet.
    It must be awesome to have some time for yourself and start thinking about your life and future and everything that you have procrastinated in daily life!
    I will try this sometime very soon:)

    Great to get to know you more in person and hope somebody continues!

    Thank you Bal and always enjoy hearing from you:)
    Posted 26-12-2019 17:12

  • Bal krishna Pandey says :
    thank you my dear friends and mentor !!!!
    Posted 21-12-2019 17:56

  • Hyeongmin Mentor says :
    Hello Bal krishna

    Reading this report, I could learn a lot more about you.
    You always come up with great reports that are informative and insightful. They give me a lot of valuable lessons and make me think a lot.
    Thank you for those great reports and I ask you to continue with the great work.
    Posted 20-12-2019 23:27

  • Nabin Bhandari says :
    Hey, thanks for your report on Tunza relay.
    Best wishes
    Keep rocking bro !!!
    Posted 20-12-2019 23:04

  • Sabeena Neupane says :
    thank you dai for this great report. you are always inspiration for me.
    Posted 18-12-2019 22:12

  • asmin khulal says :
    congratulations bal for your great report.
    Posted 16-12-2019 23:34

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Balkrishna bro

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Tunza Relay

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 16-12-2019 21:12

  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Hello Balkrishna Dai ,
    Thanks for briefing about you and your works .You are really an awesome personality .

    Sagar Koirala
    Posted 15-12-2019 23:15

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Finally Tunza relay 4 is here, Thank you Balkrishna dai,
    Really so great to read more about you,
    keep going on.
    Posted 15-12-2019 12:01

  • SANDIP PAUDEL says :
    i had had got chance to read a report like this, after a very long long time. Loved it, quite interestingly you presented it. Worthy, interesting content and concept you presented here. You are doing amazing thing, bringing revolution of change and mindset of people. One single sentence for this report is you rocked n rolled.

    Posted 14-12-2019 23:23

  • Prabha Bhusal says :
    Hello Balkrishna dai,
    You well presented about Tunza Relay-4
    Thank you so much .Keep inspiring us!!
    Posted 14-12-2019 20:44

  • Bal krishna Pandey says :
    thank you very much dear susma baini :)
    Posted 14-12-2019 02:50

  • Susma Thapa says :
    Hello balkrishna dai,
    I hope you are fine and doing well,
    Really! Each and every works of yours are so much
    Inspirational to everyone.
    Keep going, keep inspiring us,
    susma thapa
    Posted 14-12-2019 02:15

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