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Why do we have to doubt in ourselves? And why we should we doubt in to be or not to be?

by Diana Gamazova | 02-05-2020 23:53 recommendations 0

Hi to everyone!
And today I am gonna tell you a little thing about the thing, which always makes me angry, whenever I hear or see it. 
Most people around the world are doubting in themselves. Many girls think that they are not beautiful enough to show themselves, many boys have doubts in their  strength and all of us are not sure about how powerful we are. How our ideas can change the world in a good way and how we can help each others. But not many of us know, that the doors which are closed for us in our way to dream, is only in our own heads. 
You see, if you want to act in defence of nature, but you are too shy or think that no one will listen to you? The door which leading you to achieve your dream, is closed. This door is called: fear of failing. Failing to get the result which you want, failing of bulling or rumors. But we all have to understand, that THIS IS LIVE, and the only person, who is not failing is dead person. We all have our up and downs in life and no one safe of them. And if we fail, we need to stand and go furtner. that's what is called life. climb the mountain, cross the river, but if you started your way to your dream, don't look back and always hold keep your head up. 
On this way, don't forget to be kind and gentle, don't forget to give you're smile to everyone, and only with this smile, you already gonna make world a better place. 
For a girl, who think that she is not beautiful and comparing herself with fashion models or actresses. You are seeing their appearance, but not who are they inside. Maybe they have a perfect body, perfect face or big breasts, but they don't have what only you have in this world - your kindness, power inside you and uniqueness. You think that model from Vogue journal or cosmopolitan are better than you? They will never be better than anyone, you can see, they are positioning themselves as idols to many of us, but on this state, they are not REAL. Let  me give you an example: Fo you know how scientists determine is the diamond is real? Not a real diamond is ideal outside, without any cracks and scratches and imperfections, but they are weak and not durable inside. But the real one have cracks, scratches and other imperfections, but they are one of the most durable things in world, so what is more perfect for a diamond ring, which will serve for hundreds of years to his owner? The false stone, but perfect in appearance, which will broke down after few moments of serving?  Or the  real diamond with his own imperfections and scars, but strong and solid? . So by this example, I wanted to say that the REAL PEOPLE ARE PERFECT. Don't ever determine your self by comparing with others, IF YOU ARE REAL, THEN YOU ARE PERFECT!

For a boy, who is doubting in following his dreams or do what the others want them to. Imagine you hapennes, how is it looks like? Are you a famous artist or a ballet dancer? Or you have your own bakery or restaurant? Whatever you are wishing for is depends on you, and only you can reach your own goal. If anybody is telling you to stop dreaming and find more "valuable" profession or education, just remember, that how your future will look like is only depends on you. Stop your tracks, close your ears and eyes and just think about what truly will make you happy. Being an advocate as your father wants, get thousands of dollars,have many cars and big house, but never be happy? Or to be a baker and live in a small apartment with people you love like wife or kids? It is only depends on you, and don't let anyone took this dreams and goals from you. Always have faith in your self and don't let anyone close the door, which would lead up to future which you want.

And now to all of us, lets in this tough t all of us times, be together and stand up our ground in protection of environment and do not let anyone separate us. Let's live and act so every single man will hear upon us and join our ranks. 

Thanks to every one who will read this message from me. 
Take care of yourself and keep calm in this pandemic. 

Thank you. Always yours Diana.


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  • Dormant user Diana Gamazova
  • recommend


  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Diana, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.

    Thank you for your warm words to everyone. Your article reminds me of the quote from the reverend Watson, 'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.' Keeping smiling and believing in one self are the two most things that I believe as you mentioned in your article. Thank you for your hopeful message.

    Cheers ~
    Posted 16-05-2020 15:21

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Diana,

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Why do we have to doubt in ourselves? And why we should we doubt in to be or not to be?

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 12-05-2020 13:00

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Diana Gamazova, this is mentor Taehyun!

    I really enjoyed reading the wonderful words that give me hope. Reading the article reminds me of this! It means that we can only trust ourselves as the best! If we doubt our abilities, will other people believe it? In that sense, I think it's a really instructive article!

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 11-05-2020 03:16

  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Hello Diana,
    Thanks for the motivational and energetic report. It added fuel on my veins. Keep writing.
    Posted 09-05-2020 15:51

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings diana
    I hope you are doing well.
    Yes, let's be together.
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 08-05-2020 15:20

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Hello Diana!!

    I hope you are fine and doing great.
    We should be happy and satisfied with what we have.

    Keep writing and shining.

    Hope to know more from you,

    Warm regards,

    Posted 07-05-2020 19:44

  • Heemani Singh says :
    Hello Diana,

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful report.
    Thank you for inspiring us and rejuvenating the power which we have.

    Keep writing and shining


    Posted 06-05-2020 09:06

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Daina,

    Wow! I just love the way you presented the report!
    I totally agree with your points.We should be satisfy with what we have !


    Posted 05-05-2020 22:39

  • Biddhya pandey says :
    Hello diana,
    Hope you are doing great

    I truely appreciate your words.Thank you for this wonderful piece of report.
    Keep writing

    Green cheers,

    Warm regards,

    Posted 04-05-2020 17:29

  • Arjun Anand says :
    Hello Diana!
    Hope you are doing fine... Thank you for your inspiring words...

    Posted 04-05-2020 00:13

  • Manisha Pokhrel says :
    Hello Diana,

    I totally agree with your words.We only think about what truly will make us happy.Don't be too shy to express your hidden talent.Everyone is great in their own position.
    The example of diamond is such an amazing practical example for those who think they are not perfect.

    Keep writing and shinning!!

    Posted 03-05-2020 19:55

  • Diana Gamazova says :
    Thank to everyone for such a kind words!
    with all love and smile from me!

    Posted 03-05-2020 16:53

  • Bal krishna Pandey says :
    Hello diana,
    'On this way, don't forget to be kind and gentle, don't forget to give you're smile to everyone, and only with this smile, you already gonna make world a better place' This inspires me a lot.
    Thanks for these inspiring words.
    Posted 03-05-2020 15:36

  • Sudha Bhandari says :
    Hello Diana,

    Such a wonderful report.Going through your report gives a positive vibe to start a day .We should follow our dreams inspire of what comes in our path.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Keep writing and shining


    Posted 03-05-2020 09:50

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    I do hope everything is going well..

    Thank you so much for sharing this report with us!!
    It was awesome to go through it and of course i agree to your words that we all have doubt in ourselves .During this contrast, we really have forgotten our power and the ability what we can do and achieve.

    #stay home, stay safe
    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 03-05-2020 01:10

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