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Twitter Chat on Covid 19 and Environment (Campaign) (Free Report)

by Kushal Naharki | 03-05-2020 16:40 recommendations 0

I organized a Twitter Chat on May 1st on the Topic ¡°What Youth Can Learn About the Environment Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic?¡±. I am thankful to Miss Dibya Bhatta for joining the Twitter Chat as a Panelist as Regional Ambassador to Tunza Eco Generation representing our platform of Eco Generation along with me.


The questions asked during the Twitter Chat are:


1.Why should we care about the environment especially at a time like this (COVID-19)?


2. What is the Paris Agreement and how far are we from implementing the agreement in your country? why?


3. a. What are the resulting negative or positive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on your immediate environment?


b. What environmental changes have you experienced in your local community, city, or country as a result of the Covid19 pandemic?


4. What lessons can we learn from current COVID-19 mitigation efforts (e.g. working from home, social distancing, etc.) and what opportunities do these mitigation efforts create for climate activists to advocate for the environment post-COVID-19.


5. What is the role of youth & technology in advocating for climate action and protection of our environment?


6. The Top Three things youth can do during the pandemic to take action or advocate for the environment/climate.


7. What great examples of environment/climate actions have you found to be inspiring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Why?


8.  Which are some of the opportunities available for Youth Involvement in Environmental Advocacy or Climate Action? Any Examples?


My Answers to these questions during the chat were:


1.This is the changemaking time for us related to environment. As we have seen affirmative changes in environment during this period and we must work to make this change sustainable for future too. Ecosystem is where we live in. So, there is no way we can ignore about environment in any point of time. The emergence and spread of the virus is directly linked with the environment as per the reports which makes us more responsible towards environment.


2.Nepal is party to the UNFCCC and has ratified the Paris Agreement, adopted during the 21st session of the UNFCCC. Nepal contributes only 0.027 % to global greenhouse emissions; however, it comes fourth on the list of countries most vulnerable to the impact of climate change.


3.a. Good Air Quality in China, less polluted rivers, dolphins seen on the rivers of Italy are the few positive impacts seen on the internet but we have to be aware about illegal poaching of wild lives that can occur during this period and healthcare waste that are produced. The study found that following the lockdown, air quality improved in the world's most polluted cities such as Bangalore, Beijing, Bangkok, Delhi, and Nanjing, as well as the major trade centers such as New York, London, Paris, Seoul, Sydney, and Tokyo.


b. Nepal has been under a lockdown since March 24. The average concentration of PM2.5 (pollutants that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometer) decreased by 34.9 micrograms per cubic meter (¥ìg/m3) in Kathmandu as per the study.


4. The changes during this period aren't the silver lining but surely its natures message for us and we need to take the! Positive side of this period. Working from home, learning eco activities, building kitchen and flower garden, planting trees and indoor plants during this period will surely have an impact on the long term.


5. Technology is the best way to leverage the message during this period. As we celebrated Earth Day digitally this year, youths can use technology sharing their activities.


Do participate in @youthleadglobal campaign #YLActofGoods to share your activities.


6. a. Join the environmental campaigns digitally b. Build kitchen garden, flower garden and maintain green and clean environment c. Engage yourself with ecoactivities, watch movies, documentaries related to environment, read eco books. Go Green and Stay Safe


7. Earth Day going digital and celebrating its 50th Anniversary with the theme ClimateAction was an inspiring act during this pandemic. #EarthDay2020


8. ¡°Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.¡±


You can join Environmental Platform Tunza EcoGeneration- @Eco_gen Youth Platform @youthleadglobal @YPLearning

Climateducation - @ClimatEducate

You can keep yourself engaged in these online platforms and explore opportunities.


I will share the views of different youths on these questions in my next report.

Twitter Chat Image


  • Nepal Youth Kushal Naharki
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Kushal Naharki

  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Kushal Naharki, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.

    Thank you for your active participation in protecting the environment while the humanity is facing the most difficult problems that we've never faced before. I believe that difficulty is really good catalyst in developing oneself. After this difficulty, humans will grow much more.

    I enjoyed reading your article. Thank you!
    Posted 16-05-2020 15:24

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you @Balkrishna dai
    Posted 13-05-2020 18:29

Kushal Naharki

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Kushal Naharki, this is mentor Taehyun again.

    I really enjoyed the online meeting in the aftermath of the coronavirus. It's nice to see that we continue to have a good discussion about the issues that we really need to think about in the previous two articles! I don't know when the coronavirus will end, but I hope we can continue to have such a good discussion offline after it!

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 11-05-2020 03:19

Kushal Naharki

Prakriti  Ghimire

Kushal Naharki

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Kushal dai!

    I hope you are doing great with your jobs!

    Its great to know about program and question and answers!

    Thanks for sharing!!


    Posted 05-05-2020 22:32

Kushal Naharki

Kushal Naharki

  • Biddhya pandey says :
    Hello kushal bro!
    Hope you are fine and doing great
    Thank you for your report.I really enjoyed your report

    Hope to learn more from you
    Keep writing,keep inspiring

    Warm regards,
    Posted 04-05-2020 15:34

Kushal Naharki

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Hello Kushal dai!!

    I hope you are fine and doing great.
    I really like the way you present the report.

    Keep writing and shining.

    Hope to know more from you.

    Warm regards,

    Posted 03-05-2020 23:16

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